Thursday, December 30, 2010
Time fly ?? -Reflecting 2010
Wow, what a year it was for me, it started off bad, i remembered the first run of the year, NB 30KM which took away my ligament, ACL to be exact. Ouch, later it moves on to be a very emotional ride indeed for me, the very thing that eludes me from my emotional trouble...was taken away from me. Not giving up,trying solutions after solutions given by fellow RBU(s) and end up with inevitable recondition surgery.
The surgery was done based on my eagerness to be back fast on track. Therefore, opting for it was the only way as advised by the Doctor that i would be able to be back on track faster. Instead, it turn out to be a very very long vacation from any competition. Take it like a man Bro, well i did, though it was hard as if i am losing the love of my life. Recovery was not an easy thing to endure. I did not recommend it to any other person whom loves this sport. Prevention is the key not recovery.
Training during recovery is very hard since a little pain in the joint would be predicated. You were constantly in a state of unknown, clueless to be precised, not knowing whether is it normal or not ? and How far are u willing to endured it ? I continued on jogging and slowly progress into running, building mileage from 3km to 6 km and cross training in between.
However, the training was not enough to take on the mighty 63 km in 12 hr Rogaining at Teluk Intan, i was downed with an injured leg. Maybe i was pushing too hard to the extend not even realising that i was hurting myself. Thus far, i had not sign up for any runs yet as i am not confident of my own strength , even to run 10km. With Godwill and I could run pain free then i would consider joining back the competition scene.
Sometimes things happen for a reason, not all things were sober for me this year. I managed to move in to my new house, my new Bach pad, i guess, huhu. It had always been my dream to own a house which i eventually did. Thanks to my mom and dad for making my dream possible. Rekindle back my friendship with old buddies and trekking the world outside. Venturing into baking bizzz...
Hoping for a better future lies ahead though things would not be easy.....keep on striding ahead..
Happy New Year To All , May this coming new year we would be blissful and be filled with great things.
Keep on burning those rubber soles.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Non Impact Cardio
I had always avoided from working out on a non impact cardio machine such as the elliptical bike. It could be due to lack in the running feeling. A few days, back i tried the new elliptical bike at my new refurbished office gym and to my surprise wow..u can burn a lot of calories on it...perggg i was sweating like a pig (ok ke?) burning almost 500 calories by doing 40 minutes on the preset workout program installed in the bike system.
The plus point is that it was really gentle on my knees. I felt so liberated ....I recommended it to those whom in recovery like me, you are not undermining yourself , in fact u are helping yourself to recover much faster than you think. Remember ya uolz...your ligament grows at a very slow slow slow rate yar.... the fastest is six month. that why lar, you see those sportsman when they said they had ligament issues ,they were put to rest immediately.
Phobia ke uolzz...yes you should be, cause the reality is tough, so better check yourself. Techniques are the key also. So let go non impact, i wish there are non impact shoes as well so i would not bust another knee in another race.
Happpy Training You All
The plus point is that it was really gentle on my knees. I felt so liberated ....I recommended it to those whom in recovery like me, you are not undermining yourself , in fact u are helping yourself to recover much faster than you think. Remember ya uolz...your ligament grows at a very slow slow slow rate yar.... the fastest is six month. that why lar, you see those sportsman when they said they had ligament issues ,they were put to rest immediately.
Phobia ke uolzz...yes you should be, cause the reality is tough, so better check yourself. Techniques are the key also. So let go non impact, i wish there are non impact shoes as well so i would not bust another knee in another race.
Happpy Training You All
Bila tulisan dan larian itu cacat...
Mohon maaf jika penulisan ini sedikit berlainan dan juga penggunaan bahasa yang lain......
Hidup kita sentiasa di kritik samada untuk kebaikan atau tidak. Kenapa kita seakan begitu degil untuk menerimanya....kekadang apa yang kita fikirkan terbaik bagi kita adalah buruk bagi seseoarang walaupun usaha untuk menghasilkannya tidak pernah ada rasa penat. Adakah kita akan dilabelkan Cacat kerana itu?
Cacat itu bermaksud kurang Sempurna?.... Sempurna? Dari setiap manusia adalah berlainan tafsirannya, ia mungkin berlari dengan langkah yang tegar and teguh, memanjat dengan gagah dan menulis dengan kata kata manis dan puitis. Setiap manusia dambakan kesempurnaan sebegitu . Ia bagaikan sesuatu mimpi bagi seseorang dan mungkin juga realiti kehidupan seseorang itu pada saat ini , syukur pada Tuhan.
Terlalu banyak yang perlu dikejar...semakin hari semakin banyak menghampiri kepada kegagalan...rasa penat menusuk hati apabila setiap usaha bagaikan tiada berguna lagi. Perasaan putus asa tidak ada dalam kamus tetapi kekecewaan itu tetap ada.Setiap yang kalah pasti ada yang menang, jika tidak menang dalam apa yang dikehendaki mungkin jua pada apa yang tidak diharapkan. Setiap pintu itu terbuka pada pintu yang tertutup.
Penulisan adalah sekadar nukilan sahaja......sekadar mengisi mindaku yang dikategorikan cacat.
Hidup kita sentiasa di kritik samada untuk kebaikan atau tidak. Kenapa kita seakan begitu degil untuk menerimanya....kekadang apa yang kita fikirkan terbaik bagi kita adalah buruk bagi seseoarang walaupun usaha untuk menghasilkannya tidak pernah ada rasa penat. Adakah kita akan dilabelkan Cacat kerana itu?
Cacat itu bermaksud kurang Sempurna?.... Sempurna? Dari setiap manusia adalah berlainan tafsirannya, ia mungkin berlari dengan langkah yang tegar and teguh, memanjat dengan gagah dan menulis dengan kata kata manis dan puitis. Setiap manusia dambakan kesempurnaan sebegitu . Ia bagaikan sesuatu mimpi bagi seseorang dan mungkin juga realiti kehidupan seseorang itu pada saat ini , syukur pada Tuhan.
Terlalu banyak yang perlu dikejar...semakin hari semakin banyak menghampiri kepada kegagalan...rasa penat menusuk hati apabila setiap usaha bagaikan tiada berguna lagi. Perasaan putus asa tidak ada dalam kamus tetapi kekecewaan itu tetap ada.Setiap yang kalah pasti ada yang menang, jika tidak menang dalam apa yang dikehendaki mungkin jua pada apa yang tidak diharapkan. Setiap pintu itu terbuka pada pintu yang tertutup.
Penulisan adalah sekadar nukilan sahaja......sekadar mengisi mindaku yang dikategorikan cacat.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sadness? What would you do?
I felt frustrated with my life....everything is falling apart...and why am i writing it here...cause i just don't know how to express it.......and what would you do when u feel downed.........:(
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
In Life somethings are not meant to be yours....
I wish i have it as much as i had other things in my life now.......its up to God whether i will be or not.....that's life...u can't have it all.......
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Turning 30 at the 30th day of the10th month of the year 2010 (Double Effect)
Auspicious , coincidence or just plain luck, today would be the day i'll reached the "three O" in my age , departing from the age digits, haha, what had i achieved thus far ???? well for a start i'm proud of whatever i had done bad ,worst or even good, no regrets, taking the essence of life into betterment of the futile future...
I had been bruised, downed, cursed, back-stabbed, cam cam ler...bad things over the years, its a part of life. There are no bed of roses along the way, i wish i could turn back time be the best that i could be now...i will keep on doing my best to achieve my dream.....i'm just sucks in writing , cakap pun kekadang berterabur... lari kelam kabut....
No wish list here just...some words to share......Thank you for being a friend and accepting me within your circle of activities.....
Ok that's all
I had been bruised, downed, cursed, back-stabbed, cam cam ler...bad things over the years, its a part of life. There are no bed of roses along the way, i wish i could turn back time be the best that i could be now...i will keep on doing my best to achieve my dream.....i'm just sucks in writing , cakap pun kekadang berterabur... lari kelam kabut....
No wish list here just...some words to share......Thank you for being a friend and accepting me within your circle of activities.....
Ok that's all
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Genting Trailblazer...09 (*revisit memory*)
Seronoknyer...if i could ler...well , as i remembered, last year, we had a blast of fun in the mud, it was sweet because it was right after my B'day, i treated it as a gift to myself , huhuhu...the trail was fun, challenging and congested (byk sgt org nak manjat bukit yang same mane tak sesak?..) what a trail it was.
We were running in the mist and quite a thick fog (race partner aku tah kemane ler mase tu), harap-harap x de ler hantu pulak ( like the movie "The Fog") my breathing was slightly off the norm due to the lack of oxygen, pressure changes at higher elevation from the sea level, the first leg of the journey was just Tarmac around the golf course then the muddy slippery trail (u should wear a good pair of gripping shoes or else masak ler....), my racing partner learnt his painful lesson , well i did too but on the different parts, hehehe,
Sometimes things could get pretty ugly when u team-up with the wrong person, therefore make sure ur partner knows that how things would be during the race, bukannyer nak race like no tomorrow yer, be mindful of the torns around the trees, wear a pair gloves, don't get yourself bilsters nanti dah x glam, protect urself well, paramedic jauh u are by yourself ( actually x ler..sbb mesti jammed nyer lar dlm trail tur, nasib baik tak de traffic light or else perr...).....the fav part was the last leg of the race, the obstacle course (mixed of mud ditch, wall climbing (rendah jer jgn takut), wade pool,etc) and u need to do it together with ur partner or else disqualified, so jangan ler kiasu sgt yer.....remind yourself that this is a team event, bukannyer lari syok sendiri (like i did last year, kesian my partner) .
The after race meal, leh thn ler, ade pasta, lasagna, ade mee goreng , fruits, juice....well the sad part of it, i was downed with severe cramps on both legs at the shower place (perr,,memalukan ler hehe) tempang ler ckit bila balik kete tu,
I wished i could recover faster so that i could be in the race this year.......well who knows....i might....heheh
Happy Training To All
We were running in the mist and quite a thick fog (race partner aku tah kemane ler mase tu), harap-harap x de ler hantu pulak ( like the movie "The Fog") my breathing was slightly off the norm due to the lack of oxygen, pressure changes at higher elevation from the sea level, the first leg of the journey was just Tarmac around the golf course then the muddy slippery trail (u should wear a good pair of gripping shoes or else masak ler....), my racing partner learnt his painful lesson , well i did too but on the different parts, hehehe,
Sometimes things could get pretty ugly when u team-up with the wrong person, therefore make sure ur partner knows that how things would be during the race, bukannyer nak race like no tomorrow yer, be mindful of the torns around the trees, wear a pair gloves, don't get yourself bilsters nanti dah x glam, protect urself well, paramedic jauh u are by yourself ( actually x ler..sbb mesti jammed nyer lar dlm trail tur, nasib baik tak de traffic light or else perr...).....the fav part was the last leg of the race, the obstacle course (mixed of mud ditch, wall climbing (rendah jer jgn takut), wade pool,etc) and u need to do it together with ur partner or else disqualified, so jangan ler kiasu sgt yer.....remind yourself that this is a team event, bukannyer lari syok sendiri (like i did last year, kesian my partner) .
The after race meal, leh thn ler, ade pasta, lasagna, ade mee goreng , fruits, juice....well the sad part of it, i was downed with severe cramps on both legs at the shower place (perr,,memalukan ler hehe) tempang ler ckit bila balik kete tu,
I wished i could recover faster so that i could be in the race this year.......well who knows....i might....heheh
Happy Training To All
Monday, October 25, 2010
Trail running again....
Venturing back into trail running is like falling in love for the first time,that first look and feel when your body is touching the other,,hahah,
ade jugak yang agak surprise that i was there to run, as they said what did not killed you, would only make stronger. haha may be because dah menjadi satu trend to keepyour race partner surprise, i wonder why ler kan nak ade drama jugak ke...mmm this may could be i will be running this Sunday...Mmmmmmm
Happy Training To All
mm tulisan kali ni pendekjer...nothing much to discuss here....
ade jugak yang agak surprise that i was there to run, as they said what did not killed you, would only make stronger. haha may be because dah menjadi satu trend to keepyour race partner surprise, i wonder why ler kan nak ade drama jugak ke...mmm this may could be i will be running this Sunday...Mmmmmmm
Happy Training To All
mm tulisan kali ni pendekjer...nothing much to discuss here....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Disconnected to get connected...
Yup, it was kind of ...out of place....i was totally lost of the conversation of what to begin, Dale me...i had been out of the scene for so long and seeing them again for the first time, i felt so alive...yup when u are not preparing for any races..u left out of group training...and what is next...somebody had suggested me to volunteered , well it not easy mar...ade criteria ka nak jadi volunteer ni ek...??
While munching our foods, asyik dok dgr jer citer citer TNF and sounds fun, to recondition back your mind into competing.. i wish it was easy.....not going to let this passion ran out of fire.....
The road is long...
While munching our foods, asyik dok dgr jer citer citer TNF and sounds fun, to recondition back your mind into competing.. i wish it was easy.....not going to let this passion ran out of fire.....
The road is long...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nice Run At Bukit Jalil Park
MMmmm nice park it is, had a generous amount of loops around the park, but still snail pace ler....hehe masih ade terasa lagi, need more conditioning works.....what i like about the park? it is near to my house and it wayyy much cleaner than my usual place at Lake Titiwangsa and even the Lake Garden, it is also filled with generous amount of green spread, the route is mixed of hills, slopes and flat tarmac....mmmm
Recovering is not easy , ye lar, dah lame tak lari since fasting month started, the first run seems very thrilling , haha...teringin nak masuk 10 10 10 run mmm tapi the fear of competing still runs deep in my mind,maybe i should just concentrate in making my body leaner instead, cutting all the fats , hanging....Lemang O Meter running high....
There are quite numbers of runners and familiar faces there but looking at them pergg laju nyer...novice betul ler aku ni and part of getting injured is to deal with the emotional stress behind it i.e. not being able to run as good as before, never mind Shaq, i kept on telling myself that its not going to be easy but i'm slowly getting there, brushing through the pain and moving on to the peak again.....siap makcik tua lagi laju ni...isk isk isk...though i managed to finish 4 loops non stop....heheh
This park will be my second choice after Titiwangsa kot...hehe Fav weekend morning thing..
Happy Training To All
Recovering is not easy , ye lar, dah lame tak lari since fasting month started, the first run seems very thrilling , haha...teringin nak masuk 10 10 10 run mmm tapi the fear of competing still runs deep in my mind,maybe i should just concentrate in making my body leaner instead, cutting all the fats , hanging....Lemang O Meter running high....
There are quite numbers of runners and familiar faces there but looking at them pergg laju nyer...novice betul ler aku ni and part of getting injured is to deal with the emotional stress behind it i.e. not being able to run as good as before, never mind Shaq, i kept on telling myself that its not going to be easy but i'm slowly getting there, brushing through the pain and moving on to the peak again.....siap makcik tua lagi laju ni...isk isk isk...though i managed to finish 4 loops non stop....heheh
This park will be my second choice after Titiwangsa kot...hehe Fav weekend morning thing..
Happy Training To All
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Salam Aidilfitri
To all my blogger cum runners' friends, i know u are longing for day running spirit, hold that thought , it is not that far away, Raya is around the corner, as for me i tak lari pung...felt that the pants are a bit loosen could be from lost of muscles. Hehee how was your raya prep. is thus far? judging from Kak Haza , Kash and Gerb..they had started baking cookies, as for me i'm busy with furnishing my new pad, "Bird Nest", single though...a little too much for a start, i can't help but spending a little more there...heheh..well yet to be completed.
Hopefully this coming Raya will bring a lot of joy and happiness to all my frenz here...and lastly i would like to seek Forgiveness from the bottom of my heart (cheewah) to all the wrong words that i might had used, those blabbering i had done, those grammatical error that i had posted, stupid but funny ke?? jokes and not being the person you can rely the most.
Inshallah, you will find the best way to seek the best in your life should any obstacle arises, it will be a signed for u to move on farther and further....May u find happiness and joy with all of your love's one...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin
Happy Training To All
Friday, August 20, 2010
All i ever wanted in life ...
Why tetibe pulak bercakap pasai ni yer, well for a start I got what I wanted today GCB McD haha teringin dah lama tul tak makan hehe, after terawih fuhh sedak tul, sambil tu wifi jap leh ler I ngarut serba sdikit, not too much , I hope.
I was brought in a typical nucleus family, but that too typical if u put in the perspective ler, but that had not snot made me stop from having one or plan to,hehe, life is challenging when u are brought up with different set of views and environment, try to make things to work your way instead of the other, In the end, it was destined to be in that way that may not be what u wanted however u are better off than u thought u wanted to be..
Udah ler ngarut jer aku ni, sajer jer layan otak jap sambil melihat mcd yang penuh dgn budak budak and mak bapak yang menjadikan mcd meal sebagai moreh...hahahah
My bachelor pad is slowly taking shape, but the hardest part is to detached from your parents or in my case my aunt,can't seem to find the right time and words to explain, or should it just be my weekend port ajer hehe,
When u actually got it, u become undecided or rather uncertain
I was brought in a typical nucleus family, but that too typical if u put in the perspective ler, but that had not snot made me stop from having one or plan to,hehe, life is challenging when u are brought up with different set of views and environment, try to make things to work your way instead of the other, In the end, it was destined to be in that way that may not be what u wanted however u are better off than u thought u wanted to be..
Udah ler ngarut jer aku ni, sajer jer layan otak jap sambil melihat mcd yang penuh dgn budak budak and mak bapak yang menjadikan mcd meal sebagai moreh...hahahah
My bachelor pad is slowly taking shape, but the hardest part is to detached from your parents or in my case my aunt,can't seem to find the right time and words to explain, or should it just be my weekend port ajer hehe,
When u actually got it, u become undecided or rather uncertain
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Salam Ramadan Al-Mubarak
Ramadan datang lagi, the holy month of the Islamic calender, the fasting month and refraining yourself from any physical activities that may take up most of your energy and committing yourself into
a zombie...heheh...
Somehow, this ramadan seems a bit different than last year , well i don't have to train for any races for a start, so i'm free to enjoy the day, however, i would love to loose a lot kg though....having said that, for the past few days, i had a blast of feast from the morning right up to the evening tau....asyik dok makan ajer...tah hape hape aku dok did'nt sounds good kan, anyway tried to make it up by burning at least 500 calories the next morning...
Burning calories while devoting yourself to the Almighty is the sure way this month, so better lengthen those pants a little more down your knees yer...ceee wahh .., Hopefully i would not be traveling too much this month,
I just got my key to my new crib, well, undecided to move in or not, as currently i'm living with my aunt which is a few walking distance to my workplace, mmm, however, i would like to have a life of my own now....yang mane satu ler...
Tibe tibe teringat lak pose mase kecik kecik dulu...yang yang yok sangat.. kekonon basuh muka sekali telan jer air itu masuk grandma gave us that weird stare to us..isk bebudak ni asyik dok basuh muka jer.. an old tricks of quenching your thirst during fasting month, tibe tibe dah besar pun ade orang wat cam tu gak..aiyo , the tricks never dies one ler...hehehe, i never had enjoyed ramadan as much as i did for Raya,
My life now is pretty plain...hoping it to catapult to the next level.....
Salam Ramadan to all and Happy fasting....
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Feeling whatever....
buhsan nyer, takde apa apa aktiviti ni...mmm tempted to join the run but i dont think i am fit enough to, well...exploring new things....ape ler swimming kan lame tak activate....should be doing that again....
ahh,,, itu jer lar aku dah x de idea nak tulis ape ler kat blog ni....
saje nak aktifkan merapu rapu...started training for stairs and i'm doing fine...hopefully my leg will be up and ready for next climbathon...that is what is miss the most...teruk tul aku ni...asyik dok nak seksa kaki jer...hahah
maybe i will be participating in 2011 TNF challenge , yup kalau ade rezeki , kasut trail pun dah berabuk ....
Is anyway u wanted and anyway i need it....redah jer...properly trained dulu yer....LSD pun pancit aku ni...nak g trail lagi ke...isk isk isk...hehehe.
pose pun dah nak dekat ni...gonna shift into hibernating conserve the muscle..
Happy Training and Ramadan to all
ahh,,, itu jer lar aku dah x de idea nak tulis ape ler kat blog ni....
saje nak aktifkan merapu rapu...started training for stairs and i'm doing fine...hopefully my leg will be up and ready for next climbathon...that is what is miss the most...teruk tul aku ni...asyik dok nak seksa kaki jer...hahah
maybe i will be participating in 2011 TNF challenge , yup kalau ade rezeki , kasut trail pun dah berabuk ....
Is anyway u wanted and anyway i need it....redah jer...properly trained dulu yer....LSD pun pancit aku ni...nak g trail lagi ke...isk isk isk...hehehe.
pose pun dah nak dekat ni...gonna shift into hibernating conserve the muscle..
Happy Training and Ramadan to all
Monday, July 26, 2010
Yeah, 6 months and No competitive running yet
MMM...tut tap tut tap, it had been 6 months and i had not been into any running competition, it felt so different, reminiscing the days that i used to run almost every weekends, endless prep for any long distance run,
well i did my run for the past two days at the not so pristine anymore lake garden ,yeah thanks to the ongoing construction works even on Sunday perrgggg, having that feeling of mini LSD , hehee and yet i can't make it after the fourth loops, my leg is still not strong enough to pull through, well i will keep on pushing till it is ready for it,
But nothing beat the adrenaline rush when u reached the goal u set daily, fuish, i like the feeling whenever u run, u get that elation running through your veins, watching the green all around you dispersing their precious O2 and the people that will look at you then smile and somewhere at the back of their mind , thinking that i am an athlete, which is not, but somehow honored by the look, hahahah perasan ler aku ni..Octoberian memang camtu....can't help it...
Yup, i'm not going to write again that the road is not easy, i'm hoping that it is but at least i could run again though not as fast i could back then but at least i could maintain my ideal body weight kan,
Recovering is not an easy peasy i'm just going to enjoy doing it....
well i did my run for the past two days at the not so pristine anymore lake garden ,yeah thanks to the ongoing construction works even on Sunday perrgggg, having that feeling of mini LSD , hehee and yet i can't make it after the fourth loops, my leg is still not strong enough to pull through, well i will keep on pushing till it is ready for it,
But nothing beat the adrenaline rush when u reached the goal u set daily, fuish, i like the feeling whenever u run, u get that elation running through your veins, watching the green all around you dispersing their precious O2 and the people that will look at you then smile and somewhere at the back of their mind , thinking that i am an athlete, which is not, but somehow honored by the look, hahahah perasan ler aku ni..Octoberian memang camtu....can't help it...
Yup, i'm not going to write again that the road is not easy, i'm hoping that it is but at least i could run again though not as fast i could back then but at least i could maintain my ideal body weight kan,
Recovering is not an easy peasy i'm just going to enjoy doing it....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Still Struggling, a long winding road ahead for me...
I had been running since my doctor said i'm fit to do so, however it had not giving the results i'm hoping for, this morning i started running at 6.00 am around lake titiwangsa ( my fav place for early jog) scenery pun ok plus the crowd pun leh thn jugak cuci mata jap..hehhe...back to my running, i did 10 minute stretching, then off to slow jog plodding my way around the lake outer circumference, thought of going really slow so that i could pickup my speed later but it seems that i'm stuck to that same speed, i can't lift my left foot higher without feeling some pain at my knee, i hate when that happen, tak pe teruskan ajer with the plod pace..
when i reached the second round, the pain started to increase causing my pace to be huru hara, i had to stop for a while, power walk a bit then started plodding again, habis sume makcik pakcik potong i , alamak malu ler pulak hehhe, ape nak wat, i guess i'm not ready yet for long distance yet, i did not exercised till it was Friday, i did a little run on the treadmill, 5 km ler jugak i tibai heheh,
Susah jugak nak recover yer, tak fair kan ..i ni baru jer lari setahun belum pun masuk setahun tapi dah sakit begini, really killed all hope of getting back into my passion, geram pun ade, but this my faith ,i'm not going to fight it instead embracing it, rehat jer lar....terima seadanyor je lar, this is my faith in running, nape ler yer...i hate it so much, can i change my leg instead, rasenyer macam tak bersyukur pulak , ramai lagi whom may not have the experienced that i had.....masalahnyer i'm always the one ended to having all of this kind of things, jatuh sampai kene jahit 20 stitches, pastu kene langgar motor mase naik basikal, org keje dapat bos best aku dapat bos yang macam hampeh, kawan lak asyik dok makan kawan jer, aiyo,,,,,,lar ni kene bedah lutut lak....
punah harapan ....meroyan pulak,,,anyway
Tough times dont last but tough people do....sometimes i rase dah nak give up running, i hate it that u been taken off the things u like to do...but that is life, i'm still fighting all my heart to be back on the road, doing what ever it takes to bring me back on the road....
There will be a lifetime of running...tak pe lar, lame kene tunggu, pun den tunggu ler...kalau tak den pi buat bedah lutut letak bosi ajor ler....tak dok lar sakit sakit lagi...
Happy Training To All......
when i reached the second round, the pain started to increase causing my pace to be huru hara, i had to stop for a while, power walk a bit then started plodding again, habis sume makcik pakcik potong i , alamak malu ler pulak hehhe, ape nak wat, i guess i'm not ready yet for long distance yet, i did not exercised till it was Friday, i did a little run on the treadmill, 5 km ler jugak i tibai heheh,
Susah jugak nak recover yer, tak fair kan ..i ni baru jer lari setahun belum pun masuk setahun tapi dah sakit begini, really killed all hope of getting back into my passion, geram pun ade, but this my faith ,i'm not going to fight it instead embracing it, rehat jer lar....terima seadanyor je lar, this is my faith in running, nape ler yer...i hate it so much, can i change my leg instead, rasenyer macam tak bersyukur pulak , ramai lagi whom may not have the experienced that i had.....masalahnyer i'm always the one ended to having all of this kind of things, jatuh sampai kene jahit 20 stitches, pastu kene langgar motor mase naik basikal, org keje dapat bos best aku dapat bos yang macam hampeh, kawan lak asyik dok makan kawan jer, aiyo,,,,,,lar ni kene bedah lutut lak....
punah harapan ....meroyan pulak,,,anyway
Tough times dont last but tough people do....sometimes i rase dah nak give up running, i hate it that u been taken off the things u like to do...but that is life, i'm still fighting all my heart to be back on the road, doing what ever it takes to bring me back on the road....
There will be a lifetime of running...tak pe lar, lame kene tunggu, pun den tunggu ler...kalau tak den pi buat bedah lutut letak bosi ajor ler....tak dok lar sakit sakit lagi...
Happy Training To All......
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Phobe to Run
The doctor had deliberated about my knee condition that i am fit again to run, wow, the strength training did paid off well, I was elated as ever hearing the doctor's diagnosis, smiling from ear to ear..looking at the field and the road, suddenly something struck in my mind.....
Though i had started jog extra mile but my speed and agility is not as before i was injured, i was reluctant to join any race though my condition fit me to be in that situation, i did wonder and ponder of what had happen to my passion in running, where it used to be ecstatic, mmm am i having a running phobia...!!!! cause i been avoiding to take part in any upcoming races even 5km race, it makes me terrified of what i would done to my knee...
Oh no...OMG...maybe the traumatic recovery had instilled the kind of mindset that competitive running will brought back to my knees again......i need to overcome this fear through improvising mental as well as my physical training before i'm fully confident again to be in competitive running...
Felt kind of left out here...everyone had broken their virginity in Marathon course...maybe one day i will when the time is right....
Happy Training To All
Though i had started jog extra mile but my speed and agility is not as before i was injured, i was reluctant to join any race though my condition fit me to be in that situation, i did wonder and ponder of what had happen to my passion in running, where it used to be ecstatic, mmm am i having a running phobia...!!!! cause i been avoiding to take part in any upcoming races even 5km race, it makes me terrified of what i would done to my knee...
Oh no...OMG...maybe the traumatic recovery had instilled the kind of mindset that competitive running will brought back to my knees again......i need to overcome this fear through improvising mental as well as my physical training before i'm fully confident again to be in competitive running...
Felt kind of left out here...everyone had broken their virginity in Marathon course...maybe one day i will when the time is right....
Happy Training To All
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Do you believe in second chances in life?
Well i had been off from running since January, i had not connected to any of it since then other than reading through people blogs and did some talking to my fellow colleague, i was watching some series i downloaded through the internet and makes me thinking whether i was given the second chance i longing for???
Well i never believed that there is second chances in life, for a start, may be it could just be that my life is not as complicated or i did not do any criminal activities that warrant me to think about having one. It all started last Friday, a normal routine visit to my Orthopedic whom conducted the surgery on me last March, he told me that my knee is fully recovered that i could go back into running, wow, good news, then my housing loan had got through and i will having my first home, ever since i was a child, my dream is to own a house, this chains of events that lead to today, makes u wonder whether the faith had been written that this is my second chance, to redeem or to move on into something bigger ....
Second chances do exist, it would be a lost if i had not realized before it is too late, i'm not pushing myself just yet into competing , i will start my training regiment back on the road, when i'm sure that i am ready, i'll be nearby, not gonna let the second chance be wasted....
Happy Training To All
Congrats to all SCKLM finishers.....
Well i never believed that there is second chances in life, for a start, may be it could just be that my life is not as complicated or i did not do any criminal activities that warrant me to think about having one. It all started last Friday, a normal routine visit to my Orthopedic whom conducted the surgery on me last March, he told me that my knee is fully recovered that i could go back into running, wow, good news, then my housing loan had got through and i will having my first home, ever since i was a child, my dream is to own a house, this chains of events that lead to today, makes u wonder whether the faith had been written that this is my second chance, to redeem or to move on into something bigger ....
Second chances do exist, it would be a lost if i had not realized before it is too late, i'm not pushing myself just yet into competing , i will start my training regiment back on the road, when i'm sure that i am ready, i'll be nearby, not gonna let the second chance be wasted....
Happy Training To All
Congrats to all SCKLM finishers.....
Friday, June 25, 2010
Knight and Day
mmm....Two Big Stars
Plot :- the story revolves around a battery rupernyer, u only get to know it at first half of the movies, the plot is some like james bond movie but sucks ler, the story line left the audience wonder what in the worlds is happening ler, well i did enjoy Cameron D wit, there were few family moments to brought it some morals to the story, not bad ler quite touching , as for the rest of the plot it was boring....sorry ler but comedic moments between the two saves a bit from it becoming a total flat....
Action:- Overall ,It is just ok, there are a few of them in the movies, not so bombastic ler, but i think they could done better if the use a better double for cameron d , whom like too manly from the back , heheheh, could not help it , it loook so fake....
Romance:- If u want to see a cocky Cameron d, well they are not many in this movie, much of it had been held back, pretending to be non intelligent girl, well there is difference between plain stupid and being stupid, hahaha, there are a couple of lovely and romantic moments between the two, especially during the shooting inside the villa in Spain, mmm macho ler konon Abg Tom tu , ok steamy steamy scene ler....
Music:- mmm ok sajer lar, nothing to be hype about....
Verdict:- 2 out 5 stars, all because of Cameron D and Tom wit and funny moments, but the rest fell flat...
Happy Watching
Megenang Jasa Guru...
Last week, i received an sms from fellow coursemate and happened to be my ex-colleague too, my loveable, bubbly, fun, cheerful, chirpy and ever helpful Doctor cum my supervisor of final project during Uni year's is being hospitalised for dengue fever, critical -liver and kidney failures, Ya Allah, ...
Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus (DENV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, some info on dengue, it has no cure, the medical world could only prevent from the virus from spreading throughout the body, bahaya tu so prevention very much better than curing...i had it and i was lucky to be given a second chance, a second chance...
I visited him yesterday at Hospital Serdang, ICU,(teruk nyer hospital ni baru jer bape tahun tapi aiyo sgt teruk yer maintenance dia, dirty..) he was been quarantined, i could only see him from the glass door, he is not doing very well albeit he had recovered from the critical stage last week, i did not managed to talk to him, he is still unconscious though the nurse said that he is recovering, liver started to function normally again however the kidney still requires dialysis, watching a helpless body on the bed whom used to fill any room with laughter and that never ending passion for teaching makes me sad and ..yup i did cried, this man helped me to be what i am today, how could i not be...yeah yeah...i know..u can call me sentimental freak...
by the way his name is Dr. Luqman Chuah Abdulahh (Teong Guan), i been to his wedding, he never ceased to help us in any situation we are in, during our student days,...i pray that he will be back in his feet again bubbly and cheerful as ever......he gave us a lead to live now he is fighting for one...may God be with you though u failed to make here...u had gave us all the gift that only God would be able to return it...
Still Hoping......
Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus (DENV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, some info on dengue, it has no cure, the medical world could only prevent from the virus from spreading throughout the body, bahaya tu so prevention very much better than curing...i had it and i was lucky to be given a second chance, a second chance...
I visited him yesterday at Hospital Serdang, ICU,(teruk nyer hospital ni baru jer bape tahun tapi aiyo sgt teruk yer maintenance dia, dirty..) he was been quarantined, i could only see him from the glass door, he is not doing very well albeit he had recovered from the critical stage last week, i did not managed to talk to him, he is still unconscious though the nurse said that he is recovering, liver started to function normally again however the kidney still requires dialysis, watching a helpless body on the bed whom used to fill any room with laughter and that never ending passion for teaching makes me sad and ..yup i did cried, this man helped me to be what i am today, how could i not be...yeah yeah...i know..u can call me sentimental freak...
by the way his name is Dr. Luqman Chuah Abdulahh (Teong Guan), i been to his wedding, he never ceased to help us in any situation we are in, during our student days,...i pray that he will be back in his feet again bubbly and cheerful as ever......he gave us a lead to live now he is fighting for one...may God be with you though u failed to make here...u had gave us all the gift that only God would be able to return it...
Still Hoping......
Sunday, June 20, 2010
world cup fever
Never would thought I said this, but I'm having one guess, haha could it be
May be looking at crowd n I got into the bandwagon, it is hard not to, everyday they kept huming to the tune of the game, well my all time fav squad is the argentine, I'm not a big addict to football as to my brothers,
They certainly eat breathe and drink football, as for me I enjoy the beauty of the game and the challenge,
Hoping the game to cure my longing towards running, each and everyday I could just picture myself on the road, one day...for as many to come
Go Argentina...and coincidence my bday is the same as Maradona...
May be looking at crowd n I got into the bandwagon, it is hard not to, everyday they kept huming to the tune of the game, well my all time fav squad is the argentine, I'm not a big addict to football as to my brothers,
They certainly eat breathe and drink football, as for me I enjoy the beauty of the game and the challenge,
Hoping the game to cure my longing towards running, each and everyday I could just picture myself on the road, one day...for as many to come
Go Argentina...and coincidence my bday is the same as Maradona...
Monday, June 14, 2010
The A Team
Wow... that my word describing this movie...
It is ok. very entertaining and captivating, but at times u really wonder what they actually looking for? As for me i got a hind from reading the preview before the movie, The interaction and humor between the characters expecially BA and Murdoch was hilariously funny and cute..., the redemption journey's was done on very large scale and at times look so supra real, like blowing a Container ship may be worth more than the cost making the movie( tapi itu effects lar kan) but really can it be real..hehe, anyway in a nutshell, the plot were fun and nothing short of fun, amazement and sweat plus quick JBond romance...
No short of it for the entire duration....of the film yar,....uolzz...
Mmmm a short and quick with Metro soldier cum romeo "face" with the Hot and Sexy "Sosa"..i like it, not overshadowing the team core plot...
It's ok...nothing new to be hype about...
Verdict : I gave it 4 stars cause it did not make me want to puke or felt asleep or talk during the movie plus..the action were fantastic and hillarious at times....
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Little Seafood Hawker Behind Bukit Bintang
The damaged was done on Thursday, two days before my big Futsal match..., It was my best friend's Bday, owh he is turning 31 ...poor chap...talking like u are 21 years old ke..hahah anyway the place was located behind Starhill hopping center, not to say immediate behind but a little walk from the end of the shopping center then u will find a medan selera kind of joint, and the seafood hawker is the first one at the very beginning of rows of stalls, Don't freak out if u saw only Chinese food court but this one is Halal, they had been established since the Campbell hawker center , if u remember those days ...back...
I had prepared myself with an empty was recommended by one of our friend ,boasting to have one of the best money can buy seafood delights...mmmm in KL....???? We ordered two plates of main dish, that are sweet and sour lala and garlic fried prawns plus side dishes Kueyteow Goreng, Nasi Goreng and Sayur Ubi goreng ( i think so ler...i can't recall the exact words as there no menus on the table) to my surprise the foods were prepared very quickly and the taste was fantastic...the Lala and the prawns were so fresh..mmm almost did not believe it myself, though i did not eat the prawns..allergic here...but who cares...hehe..i wallup the Lala like crazy no body business...with the tune sneezing and wheezing, hahah it is just so me and seafood...(Hippoallergenic..hahah)
i think i might had pounded a little too much glucosamine in my blood...that night, it was a happy night...celebrating a Bday and my empty stomach.... damage was about RM156.00 for 4 persons, but looking at the leftovers u could says it is well worth every penny...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Knee Injury.....Over rated.,,,13PG..Dr...
haha ape nyer title ler i letak ni kan...ayo sgt ler...anyway..i had an intense discussion with Ian regarding Dr. advices on sport's related injuries, Diagnosis versus Techniques, do anyone ever think about this when u come to the doctor to seek for advice on your knee or what ever is hurting...especially runners...well for a start i didn't..
Bro Ian was in the same situation as i am, the doctor opined that he should go a surgery, mmm...i wonder why i did it..mmm, pondering, well for a start, my doc. said i'll be running again and he never said that i'll never run again plus he said that my condition is treatable, he said it is mechanical problems, first of all , u can't see what is happening inside ur knee kan, so how can u tell ,is it ok or not? .kan...but did u ever look back at the cause of your injuries or not,mm... let me spill out the beans yer...what happened to me...
As u get physical, ceh..wah.. not that one ler, when u get your physique right, then u start to challenge your body for higher mileage, my pain did not started when i went into 10km, it started when i cross the 21km mark, mmm...could this just be i'm not up to it, well may be it is, why? cause i did not train enough plus , had u ever wonder about your running techniques, if u are running in pain that means ur techniques are wrong, pain versus fatigue is two different things yer, u could have less energy but pain free, if u master the right techniques u'll be liberated from all the pains....Yes my dear runners friends it all about techniques, which i tend to put it all aside, thinking endurance is all i need to carry on that higher mileage , if u are running pain free could just be you have the right techniques all the time without realizing it yourself,
Learning my own painful mistakes , makes me re-look back at the things i could have done top prevent this mess i'm in, perfecting my techniques rather than pushing for higher mileage weekly, yes , the first step is critical,
Looking at the status in some of the runner's blog , aiyo leh wat kelab ler...hehehe. anyway..some of the comments could just be over rated ler, none of the doctors would tell u to train or changed your running techniques..kan...mine did not, but i found it myself ....and with the help so called Google for the Doctors, yup ,they are good in giving diagnosis, but when it comes to the solutions and recovery, u need to ask yourself whether is it worth or not.? Well mine is, but it could be avoided...though
Before i end this, i would like to congratulate to all runners of Sundown...
especially Kak Haza and Kak Kash amazing women ler depa ni...and as for Nik, wow man u upgraded my bib into Ultra, i'm so proud of u, i wish i could run again,...soon
Happy Training To All
Bro Ian was in the same situation as i am, the doctor opined that he should go a surgery, mmm...i wonder why i did it..mmm, pondering, well for a start, my doc. said i'll be running again and he never said that i'll never run again plus he said that my condition is treatable, he said it is mechanical problems, first of all , u can't see what is happening inside ur knee kan, so how can u tell ,is it ok or not? .kan...but did u ever look back at the cause of your injuries or not,mm... let me spill out the beans yer...what happened to me...
As u get physical, ceh..wah.. not that one ler, when u get your physique right, then u start to challenge your body for higher mileage, my pain did not started when i went into 10km, it started when i cross the 21km mark, mmm...could this just be i'm not up to it, well may be it is, why? cause i did not train enough plus , had u ever wonder about your running techniques, if u are running in pain that means ur techniques are wrong, pain versus fatigue is two different things yer, u could have less energy but pain free, if u master the right techniques u'll be liberated from all the pains....Yes my dear runners friends it all about techniques, which i tend to put it all aside, thinking endurance is all i need to carry on that higher mileage , if u are running pain free could just be you have the right techniques all the time without realizing it yourself,
Learning my own painful mistakes , makes me re-look back at the things i could have done top prevent this mess i'm in, perfecting my techniques rather than pushing for higher mileage weekly, yes , the first step is critical,
Looking at the status in some of the runner's blog , aiyo leh wat kelab ler...hehehe. anyway..some of the comments could just be over rated ler, none of the doctors would tell u to train or changed your running techniques..kan...mine did not, but i found it myself ....and with the help so called Google for the Doctors, yup ,they are good in giving diagnosis, but when it comes to the solutions and recovery, u need to ask yourself whether is it worth or not.? Well mine is, but it could be avoided...though
Before i end this, i would like to congratulate to all runners of Sundown...
especially Kak Haza and Kak Kash amazing women ler depa ni...and as for Nik, wow man u upgraded my bib into Ultra, i'm so proud of u, i wish i could run again,...soon
Happy Training To All
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Aku Mahu Lari...Tapi....
This sounds like normal phrase for any person whom were in too much of stress...haha it has been almost three months since my operations, but the pain is still there, need to check back with the Doc, What happen? yikes, please don't tell me that i can't run anymore, could this be a recovery phase, i'm confused, may be i'm just pushing myself too hard, not stopping when the pain strikes, though of it would be off after a rest, i had to do intermittent non impact cardio, interchanging from stationary bike to the treadmill, taking it step by step, wow it really not an easy path to take, well i opted for it, no choice , i had too or else it would be severed,
Aku Mahu Lari....for a runnerholics as me it is hard not able to enjoy doing what u like most, well that what u call takdir, it can happen when He says He will and it did, i can't escape my destiny, this time around i'll be the person cheering by the side, yeeehooo, feeling really sad and disappointed, well at least its the end of my running world indefinitely, i will be back in god knows , but hoping it will as soon as possible, hehehe, if you keep on thinking that why must this happen to me? aiya u be gila lar...accept it like a champ and push through it with high hope and spirit, it is hard on me...sedih sob sob sob...heheh itu ler tak nak dengar cakap orang habis tu...asyik nak dok dengar jadi ler kita yang biasa biasa ajer....Mcm bunyi Dr. Azizan pulak,
But what worries me most, is that, i don't feel like i used to when ever there is a running event coming up, opps had i lost interest in competing, i'm not drawn so much into it, even to fact of knowing there is one coming up, i guess i'm being slacking for quite sometimes, out of shape body, losing focus, aiya this can not be maaa....hopefully resurrection is coming soon,
Reading from previous case study discussed in the net, well most of them were thankful having the kind of surgery i did and they took at least 5 months to recover fully, may be i should just be patience and do the same lorr, kan...
sometimes people throw all sorts of questions of why and how did u get ur knee busted, when i said due to run, ha???they get confused?? and concluded that i had a weak knee or just not fit to run, could it be due to that, then comes another question? bila start lari, i said baru tahun lepas, wah...ape yang ko wat sampai leh rosak, aiyo macam macam soalan yang panas and pedas ler...entah ler..maybe i was not build as a runner, could just be my techniques ler, or no stretching or over train, x leh cakap over train cause a lot of people ran higher milage than me. ..then what yer...alamak susah nak jawab ler...may be this the way The God to say enough...please be mindful of your body next time around...
Lagi teruk bila i jawab, i will not stop running, their typical answers will be, ko ni dah gile yer! mahal tu lutut ko! lantak ler ko kalau nak sakit lagi lari ler! sudah ler...ko tu bukan nyer leh lari pun! behenti jer lar!, aiyo tak de lak satu statement yang mengalakkan, susah tul...anyway being Octoberian, known for its ego, redah jer...peduli ler ape depa nak cakap, kekadang tu susah gak...aiyo what happen ler to my english here berterabur ler, sorry ler, kalau bos aku baca ni habis ler kene wat correction from top to bottom..hehe lari tajuk lak...those are the kind of reactions that i would normally received if were to moot any of my suggestion back into running. I know they really care about and the tribulation i been through post recovery, well a little understanding would be helpful...
Sometimes u can beat the odds you just to adjust around it, sometimes i just dont understand the mechanics of it....aiya...i will carry on my dream of becoming a Triathlete, hopefully it would be the end...praying so hard it is not......
Last but not least Happy Training To All
p/s: for those joining Sundown this Saturday Good Luck and Happy Wesak Day to all
Aku Mahu Lari....for a runnerholics as me it is hard not able to enjoy doing what u like most, well that what u call takdir, it can happen when He says He will and it did, i can't escape my destiny, this time around i'll be the person cheering by the side, yeeehooo, feeling really sad and disappointed, well at least its the end of my running world indefinitely, i will be back in god knows , but hoping it will as soon as possible, hehehe, if you keep on thinking that why must this happen to me? aiya u be gila lar...accept it like a champ and push through it with high hope and spirit, it is hard on me...sedih sob sob sob...heheh itu ler tak nak dengar cakap orang habis tu...asyik nak dok dengar jadi ler kita yang biasa biasa ajer....Mcm bunyi Dr. Azizan pulak,
But what worries me most, is that, i don't feel like i used to when ever there is a running event coming up, opps had i lost interest in competing, i'm not drawn so much into it, even to fact of knowing there is one coming up, i guess i'm being slacking for quite sometimes, out of shape body, losing focus, aiya this can not be maaa....hopefully resurrection is coming soon,
Reading from previous case study discussed in the net, well most of them were thankful having the kind of surgery i did and they took at least 5 months to recover fully, may be i should just be patience and do the same lorr, kan...
sometimes people throw all sorts of questions of why and how did u get ur knee busted, when i said due to run, ha???they get confused?? and concluded that i had a weak knee or just not fit to run, could it be due to that, then comes another question? bila start lari, i said baru tahun lepas, wah...ape yang ko wat sampai leh rosak, aiyo macam macam soalan yang panas and pedas ler...entah ler..maybe i was not build as a runner, could just be my techniques ler, or no stretching or over train, x leh cakap over train cause a lot of people ran higher milage than me. ..then what yer...alamak susah nak jawab ler...may be this the way The God to say enough...please be mindful of your body next time around...
Lagi teruk bila i jawab, i will not stop running, their typical answers will be, ko ni dah gile yer! mahal tu lutut ko! lantak ler ko kalau nak sakit lagi lari ler! sudah ler...ko tu bukan nyer leh lari pun! behenti jer lar!, aiyo tak de lak satu statement yang mengalakkan, susah tul...anyway being Octoberian, known for its ego, redah jer...peduli ler ape depa nak cakap, kekadang tu susah gak...aiyo what happen ler to my english here berterabur ler, sorry ler, kalau bos aku baca ni habis ler kene wat correction from top to bottom..hehe lari tajuk lak...those are the kind of reactions that i would normally received if were to moot any of my suggestion back into running. I know they really care about and the tribulation i been through post recovery, well a little understanding would be helpful...
Sometimes u can beat the odds you just to adjust around it, sometimes i just dont understand the mechanics of it....aiya...i will carry on my dream of becoming a Triathlete, hopefully it would be the end...praying so hard it is not......
Last but not least Happy Training To All
p/s: for those joining Sundown this Saturday Good Luck and Happy Wesak Day to all
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Knowledge Sharing- Glycogen
Glycogen is the molecule that functions as the secondary long-term energy storage in animal and fungi cells. It is made primarily by the liver and the muscles, but can also be made by glycogenesis within the brain and stomach. Glycogen is the analogue of starch, a less branched glucose polymer in plants, and is commonly referred to as animal starch, having a similar structure to amylopectin. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. Glycogen forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized to meet a sudden need for glucose, but one that is less compact than the energy reserves of triglycerides (lipids). In the liver hepatocytes, glycogen can compose up to 8% of the fresh weight (100–120 g in an adult) soon after a meal. Only the glycogen stored in the liver can be made accessible to other organs. In the muscles, glycogen is found in a much lower concentration (1% to 2% of the muscle mass), but the total amount exceeds that in the liver. However the amount of glycogen stored in the body, especially within the red blood cells,liver & muscles, mostly depends on physical training, basal metabolic rate and eating habits such as intermittent fasting. Small amounts of glycogen are found in the kidneys, and even smaller amounts in certain glial cells in the brain and white blood cells. The uterus also stores glycogen during pregnancy to nourish the embryo
Friday, May 21, 2010
My first FootSoul or Futsal
Running had always been my passion ever since i was so drawn and addicted to it, haha, Since i was down with injuries, it has been quite hard for me to run long distance again, when you hurt pretty badly like me it is hard...
Tetiba,my colleague at work insisted that i joined the futsal team, aiyo me playing football ka? well i did play for my school last time, yup back when i was in primary school....yikes...panic button about to be switch on...i am really out of shape to be playing a football game now, my body had not been contoured enough to carry that level of skills, ...they insisted that i 'll be in the team, even with the present condition, i am, isk...tempang...they said i just need to be the Goli, stay put and let the team do the defense, sounds like a very comforting situation kan....well knowing me, always redah be it my first futsal on last Wednesday at Sportsplanet Ampang..
Obviation is not apparent at the moment, nak cari kasut ler, what are the rules are? Are they same as the FIFA rules on the field ..will the opponents going to thrash me like a tin cam...rasenyer the anxiety is like the first time , i enter a running competition, what would happen if i did not finish the run, which I'm proud to say that i never had any DNF even though seriously injured...get back to the futsal thing again...
I did arrived at he futsal field in time, while thinking , what had i put myself into now, Are serious in playing this game after an abstinence for over 15 years, well here i am no turning back, wearing my joging shoes instead of futsal shoe, hahaha,,,malu pun ade...well u are surrounded by people whom well equipped from top to toe,,,hahah i'm really in the wrong field ler ni...haha ape rusa masuk kampung katanyer....
The whistle blew off , let the show begin, i was so clueless about the rules, i was very lucky to have a very supportive team mates whom guide me all the way through out the game, better not gone too far with the adrenaline , loves your knee ( capital investment tu) tahan pakai badan and tangan ajer...goli tempang katanyer,,,hahaha i did not let my team down well there are couple of good saves..kudos to me...hahah could this be????? team did great , i awed by the level of commitment they shown...and level of skills i was so out this league ler ....well play for fun....that what i wanted when i started competing against myself....
So let the soul seep through the foot and flows back to veins....
Happy Training To All
Tetiba,my colleague at work insisted that i joined the futsal team, aiyo me playing football ka? well i did play for my school last time, yup back when i was in primary school....yikes...panic button about to be switch on...i am really out of shape to be playing a football game now, my body had not been contoured enough to carry that level of skills, ...they insisted that i 'll be in the team, even with the present condition, i am, isk...tempang...they said i just need to be the Goli, stay put and let the team do the defense, sounds like a very comforting situation kan....well knowing me, always redah be it my first futsal on last Wednesday at Sportsplanet Ampang..
Obviation is not apparent at the moment, nak cari kasut ler, what are the rules are? Are they same as the FIFA rules on the field ..will the opponents going to thrash me like a tin cam...rasenyer the anxiety is like the first time , i enter a running competition, what would happen if i did not finish the run, which I'm proud to say that i never had any DNF even though seriously injured...get back to the futsal thing again...
I did arrived at he futsal field in time, while thinking , what had i put myself into now, Are serious in playing this game after an abstinence for over 15 years, well here i am no turning back, wearing my joging shoes instead of futsal shoe, hahaha,,,malu pun ade...well u are surrounded by people whom well equipped from top to toe,,,hahah i'm really in the wrong field ler ni...haha ape rusa masuk kampung katanyer....
The whistle blew off , let the show begin, i was so clueless about the rules, i was very lucky to have a very supportive team mates whom guide me all the way through out the game, better not gone too far with the adrenaline , loves your knee ( capital investment tu) tahan pakai badan and tangan ajer...goli tempang katanyer,,,hahaha i did not let my team down well there are couple of good saves..kudos to me...hahah could this be????? team did great , i awed by the level of commitment they shown...and level of skills i was so out this league ler ....well play for fun....that what i wanted when i started competing against myself....
So let the soul seep through the foot and flows back to veins....
Happy Training To All
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Recovery Training
The doc said i could run again but slowly ler ..and my knee is getting stronger, it had moved back to the original position, Katanyer ler, I was fortunate to be had done it ACL recondition, now my knee much more stabilize whenever i run or walk, My muscle on my left leg is still weak, thus far i can only go up to 9 km, it going take a quite sometime before this leg could be up again running the first marathon...
It is always been my life , go for it, take the risk and be joyful in the process....,,,,
It is always been my life , go for it, take the risk and be joyful in the process....,,,,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Keep the spirit high..RUN for A CAUSE...
There had been few runners that i knew whom running for a cause such as follows:-
Diket for MAKNA
Irwan Annuar for Majlis AIDS Malaysia
Kak Kash for Autisme NASM
Hopefully there will be more runners out there to follow their generous do of sacrificing part of their energy to spread a message of hope, some may not aware that one of us may had endured the painful memories in the past of losing someone or may just be suffering now on any misfortunes of life......i may not be the best person in real life..broken down but my hope is still burning inside of me..watching them my fellow running buddies...
Please reach for them, donate generously as u can...or moral support to continue on their journey...
I pray that their faith will conquers their fears
Happy Training To All
Diket for MAKNA
Irwan Annuar for Majlis AIDS Malaysia
Kak Kash for Autisme NASM
Hopefully there will be more runners out there to follow their generous do of sacrificing part of their energy to spread a message of hope, some may not aware that one of us may had endured the painful memories in the past of losing someone or may just be suffering now on any misfortunes of life......i may not be the best person in real life..broken down but my hope is still burning inside of me..watching them my fellow running buddies...
Please reach for them, donate generously as u can...or moral support to continue on their journey...
I pray that their faith will conquers their fears
Happy Training To All
Sunday, May 9, 2010
This sudden feeling..of disabled..
Macam macam feeling..this is what i'm feeling right now...reading a few bloggers wrote about their incredible tribulation preparation for their upcoming i missed that day so much..out of the blue..this feeling of disability arises...may be this is what they are feeling..whenever u being left out or feeling incomplete..not being able to do what the others is sad kind of feeling..feeling ever so grateful that i can still walk to the mamak stall ..will be able to run soon...if Godwill..i'll do...
People will stare at the way you walk...ahh so funny ler that guy..felt so left out..kekadang..malu pun ade..haha. they would not know i'm a runner, yup caused i'm a bit gumuk sudah, haha, i was lucky to have a good support group here..thus being this state i would not be left out....
I guess, i had to forgo my Singapore dream, i'm just not fit, it will take me months to be up running, i take this as sign for be more careful and cautious of my body.....
Please take good care of your knee or else the retribution will be fatal to your running passion..
Happy Training..To All
People will stare at the way you walk...ahh so funny ler that guy..felt so left out..kekadang..malu pun ade..haha. they would not know i'm a runner, yup caused i'm a bit gumuk sudah, haha, i was lucky to have a good support group here..thus being this state i would not be left out....
I guess, i had to forgo my Singapore dream, i'm just not fit, it will take me months to be up running, i take this as sign for be more careful and cautious of my body.....
Please take good care of your knee or else the retribution will be fatal to your running passion..
Happy Training..To All
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mataharibawah Singa Pura Pura Dua Puluh Sepuluh Mahu lari Ka?
well it has been five month since my last run, from then on it has been a struggle to cross the 5 km mark, limping at every step you push, then come the surgery, the fortunate me, well i'm loving the effect of the surgery though i can't run yet but i'm feeling optimistic that i could without any pain, huhu, being positive right, hopelessly positive dude...i had lost count on how many runs i had missed or not known, wow i can really got disconnected from the running world, oisk...i guess the holic of runnings is leaking away...sudah tidak jadi pelari tegar lagi ler....hehehe
I had this crazy idea about mataharibawah run down south...mmm well..i could not run as fast or run at all, well i may be left at the road side kot, i can't really tell what will happen by then, mmm may be i should just run or walk all the way...i had bought the bib, is it...ok ke? mesti i akan dikutuk oleh mamat -mamat pelari tegar ni...look at that guy nak masuk jugak, kalau jalan baik duduk kat rumah jer...huahuahuhau....mmm spare the embarrassment or redah jer lah...
Tomorrow will be another appointment with my Orthopedic, my leg is still weak, the pain seem to gradually decrease, kerna kedegilan otak ni, i did 4 loops around Lake Titiwangsa last Saturday, i did felt pain around the muscle at the upper and lower thigh, limping the whole day, it did not stop me from going to watch Iron Man 2, haha, the next day i took a day off and found that the pain is almost non existent, mmm could this be...
The surgery is quite costly RM 12k in total, ouch investment tu..luckily i took it...mmm nak jalan ke tidak ni..mmm hopefully i could finish in time so that i could get the Finisher's T, lantak ler...6 hours pun ok jugak..ceh..confident,,,entah entah 8 hours...hahhaha ...could this leg last that long....mmmmm....
I had this crazy idea about mataharibawah run down south...mmm well..i could not run as fast or run at all, well i may be left at the road side kot, i can't really tell what will happen by then, mmm may be i should just run or walk all the way...i had bought the bib, is it...ok ke? mesti i akan dikutuk oleh mamat -mamat pelari tegar ni...look at that guy nak masuk jugak, kalau jalan baik duduk kat rumah jer...huahuahuhau....mmm spare the embarrassment or redah jer lah...
Tomorrow will be another appointment with my Orthopedic, my leg is still weak, the pain seem to gradually decrease, kerna kedegilan otak ni, i did 4 loops around Lake Titiwangsa last Saturday, i did felt pain around the muscle at the upper and lower thigh, limping the whole day, it did not stop me from going to watch Iron Man 2, haha, the next day i took a day off and found that the pain is almost non existent, mmm could this be...
The surgery is quite costly RM 12k in total, ouch investment tu..luckily i took it...mmm nak jalan ke tidak ni..mmm hopefully i could finish in time so that i could get the Finisher's T, lantak ler...6 hours pun ok jugak..ceh..confident,,,entah entah 8 hours...hahhaha ...could this leg last that long....mmmmm....
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Runner's Oblivion
It has been quite a while since my last post was only made for my Bib sale, no taker so far, i guess i'm suck at marketing...kot, product x dak bagus, has been almost 5 month i had been hibernating myself from running, ever since the painful yet to be fruitful knee surgery, i was left with very sedentary lifestyle, living it loud ..yeeeho...yup till realities kicks in...big bump on the belly ...hahah dah gumuk ler....well i did lost a lot of muscle mass from my the pants again...
my life had become somewhat like a cricket creaking in the night while gazing the stars....dreaming of the day when will i be free again and regain back the utter feeling of champion...well that is life, never what u wanted it is always what is given...appreciate the moment as it pass by,
My knee is slowly coping with fast pace of life, catching up with the normal routine of life, well it has not been that fantastic as before , at least its a start, some says i should just give up running and just live life as it is, don't put yourself in the situation u was, mmm felt kind of hard to accept, when u put a lot of effort towards it ,would'nt u want to see the final result is? right..half way done is not going to yield any....feeling kind of low right now...shall i give up this dream...?
Lately , i went to Bandung with my friends, we had so much fun, looking at the life and living there, makes u realize the unfortunate and selfishly i am thinking that i had nothing compared to the others, nothing beat the dose of reality to bring back the senses into your life. Life will be fair to those whom works for it, kudos to them,
Maybe some of u guys may had thought , what happen ler to this guy kan, well i'm clueless too, it has always been my dream to be free and fly away to every part of the world, hopefully i would have the chance...hahah deep inside lies the same person u knew all along....laarr
as for running, i wish i could run as fast as the wind and strong as a horse, when will it be? Only time will tell, they said runner's is no quiter, well... it really hit me hard in the face strong Shaqi, held your head high and never give up that is my mantra now, hoping that God will be on myside.....till then........;
Happy Training To All
my life had become somewhat like a cricket creaking in the night while gazing the stars....dreaming of the day when will i be free again and regain back the utter feeling of champion...well that is life, never what u wanted it is always what is given...appreciate the moment as it pass by,
My knee is slowly coping with fast pace of life, catching up with the normal routine of life, well it has not been that fantastic as before , at least its a start, some says i should just give up running and just live life as it is, don't put yourself in the situation u was, mmm felt kind of hard to accept, when u put a lot of effort towards it ,would'nt u want to see the final result is? right..half way done is not going to yield any....feeling kind of low right now...shall i give up this dream...?
Lately , i went to Bandung with my friends, we had so much fun, looking at the life and living there, makes u realize the unfortunate and selfishly i am thinking that i had nothing compared to the others, nothing beat the dose of reality to bring back the senses into your life. Life will be fair to those whom works for it, kudos to them,
Maybe some of u guys may had thought , what happen ler to this guy kan, well i'm clueless too, it has always been my dream to be free and fly away to every part of the world, hopefully i would have the chance...hahah deep inside lies the same person u knew all along....laarr
as for running, i wish i could run as fast as the wind and strong as a horse, when will it be? Only time will tell, they said runner's is no quiter, well... it really hit me hard in the face strong Shaqi, held your head high and never give up that is my mantra now, hoping that God will be on myside.....till then........;
Happy Training To All
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Adidas Sundown Men's Open 42 Km Bib up for sale
Anyone interested please leave your message, i'm selling the bib at RM180.00 an early bird price, if u all wanna bid pun ok ...please leave ur message in my comment box with your contacts (emails). Closing is at the end of next week.
I guess i'm out of running for half of this year......
Happy Training To All Of You
I guess i'm out of running for half of this year......
Happy Training To All Of You
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ebullient is an oblivion now.....reflections
Kind of bored sitting at home right now, done with the book and looking for another set to finish,i guess writing blog is something fun to do, i guess, Do you ever had the feeling that life's really start at 30, well i did and not seeing it in any pretty pictures yet, i'm not the person whom believes in those superstitious things but after a series of misfortune i'm in makes u wanna think twice,
The start of the year of thought to be one of the glorious year yet it turns to be quite miserable inside, end up with knee surgery that prevents you from running and change to another department (which the boss i hated so much) , aiya i'm practically filled with negative energy now, trying so hard to make a smile, pushing this mind so hard till the sinaps move on, to take the baby steps, its so hard kan, this will be an inspiration for me to rise up again.
May be ini adalah pembalasan Tuhan terhadap hambanya sebagai pembalasan, pasrah terhadap apa yang berlaku tidak dapat mengubah kenyataan, di mana sengsara hidup seseorang itu tidak akan berubah sehingga manusia itu keluar dari lubuk dengan usahanya, this series of misfortune could be due to the crimes i did in the past- for running away from problems, making good of myself, fostering broken ties, may be its not enough to mend the calamity, i wonder how do people went through tough times such as those at Haiti and Palestine, what am i to compare to those,
Ebullient will be an oblivion for now, it is destined in our faith to be what we are, some may be lucky some may just had to be miserable, top scientist never had sounded mind albeit their creations revolutionize established civilization,
Though it is hard, but these series of incidents makes want to think twice of every big step in your life..could this be the last...
I will not bow to this thinking anymore, i had worked so hard to reach this far, should i just wasted it away, this misfortunes could be the only thing i need for some reflections of the past, the wrongdoings that you might had thought it settled. Should this get worse i would not give up on hope and keep on trying till i reached my goal, my misfortunes will be the thing in the past, crying as i am now would not turn back time and makes things better. Praying so hard that to This fragile soul gasping for an air of ebullient which now seems lost is strong.........being a runner , knowing that the wall will hit , it just a matter of mind over the body...shall the soul of mine be as good as the time....
Rise of the the moment let's enjoy this ,period
Setiap musibah ada hikmahnya.....
The start of the year of thought to be one of the glorious year yet it turns to be quite miserable inside, end up with knee surgery that prevents you from running and change to another department (which the boss i hated so much) , aiya i'm practically filled with negative energy now, trying so hard to make a smile, pushing this mind so hard till the sinaps move on, to take the baby steps, its so hard kan, this will be an inspiration for me to rise up again.
May be ini adalah pembalasan Tuhan terhadap hambanya sebagai pembalasan, pasrah terhadap apa yang berlaku tidak dapat mengubah kenyataan, di mana sengsara hidup seseorang itu tidak akan berubah sehingga manusia itu keluar dari lubuk dengan usahanya, this series of misfortune could be due to the crimes i did in the past- for running away from problems, making good of myself, fostering broken ties, may be its not enough to mend the calamity, i wonder how do people went through tough times such as those at Haiti and Palestine, what am i to compare to those,
Ebullient will be an oblivion for now, it is destined in our faith to be what we are, some may be lucky some may just had to be miserable, top scientist never had sounded mind albeit their creations revolutionize established civilization,
Though it is hard, but these series of incidents makes want to think twice of every big step in your life..could this be the last...
I will not bow to this thinking anymore, i had worked so hard to reach this far, should i just wasted it away, this misfortunes could be the only thing i need for some reflections of the past, the wrongdoings that you might had thought it settled. Should this get worse i would not give up on hope and keep on trying till i reached my goal, my misfortunes will be the thing in the past, crying as i am now would not turn back time and makes things better. Praying so hard that to This fragile soul gasping for an air of ebullient which now seems lost is strong.........being a runner , knowing that the wall will hit , it just a matter of mind over the body...shall the soul of mine be as good as the time....
Rise of the the moment let's enjoy this ,period
Setiap musibah ada hikmahnya.....
Monday, March 29, 2010
Recovery stage : Physio and Boredome
I'm guessing u must had wonder, why am i still writing a blog? Well for a start i was kind of bored sitting around having nothing to do resting at home, today is the first day i started my physio, they scheduled me 10 sessions, which the first was done this morning, better than doing nothing at home without any net connections...and i can't do any physical workout without the doctor's permission,...ouch...sedentary again....
I took on walking as my daily routine exercise, brought me to nearest mall, Wangsa Walk...bought myself a new story book, what else to u expect me to do...kan...well a good book will always works for me...apart from watching the every football matches on ESPN, Astrosupersport, etc...criticizing every player macam ler aku ni bagus every korean soap drama that my mother loves so much since i hold the remote for the rest of the day...sedentary paradise i am in.....
Back to the physio, the session today started with some Q&A session with a trainee physio from some private nursing college....yadi yada yadi yada....then he made four marks at the painful parts around the knee, then he put on this suction cups with electrods in the middle injecting small direct current into the muscle...felt like somebody is massaging your leg without hands... then he moves on with an ultrasound...massaging at the painful points he just marked...some measurements were taken after the session .
Measurement of the degree of knee bend, taken on both knees, the right knee was at 130 degree and the left knee about 110 degree angle....not as much as the right though it should be the same, keep on exercising the leg....we moved on to the stationary bike, i did 15 minute and i did not felt any pain on the left knee..., mm maybe it does works...or else back to the surgery room i therapist said that i could do stationary bike as my cardio but no running yet (stern voice) ....'
We (me and my therapist) had a chat on my conditions, that my ligament was torn and it was reconditioned therefore it is very hard, generation of the ligament would take at least 6 months, ouch...if its snaps..could more than that....ouch....better focus on getting the eagerness in getting back into running still burns with myself...mmm need to find something to move this thought...a looking very hard it right now...
That's it for now, thank your very much for the words of encouragement...and last but not least...
Happy Training To All
I took on walking as my daily routine exercise, brought me to nearest mall, Wangsa Walk...bought myself a new story book, what else to u expect me to do...kan...well a good book will always works for me...apart from watching the every football matches on ESPN, Astrosupersport, etc...criticizing every player macam ler aku ni bagus every korean soap drama that my mother loves so much since i hold the remote for the rest of the day...sedentary paradise i am in.....
Back to the physio, the session today started with some Q&A session with a trainee physio from some private nursing college....yadi yada yadi yada....then he made four marks at the painful parts around the knee, then he put on this suction cups with electrods in the middle injecting small direct current into the muscle...felt like somebody is massaging your leg without hands... then he moves on with an ultrasound...massaging at the painful points he just marked...some measurements were taken after the session .
Measurement of the degree of knee bend, taken on both knees, the right knee was at 130 degree and the left knee about 110 degree angle....not as much as the right though it should be the same, keep on exercising the leg....we moved on to the stationary bike, i did 15 minute and i did not felt any pain on the left knee..., mm maybe it does works...or else back to the surgery room i therapist said that i could do stationary bike as my cardio but no running yet (stern voice) ....'
We (me and my therapist) had a chat on my conditions, that my ligament was torn and it was reconditioned therefore it is very hard, generation of the ligament would take at least 6 months, ouch...if its snaps..could more than that....ouch....better focus on getting the eagerness in getting back into running still burns with myself...mmm need to find something to move this thought...a looking very hard it right now...
That's it for now, thank your very much for the words of encouragement...and last but not least...
Happy Training To All
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Recovery stage
I could not believe it myself that i really did it, the fear among all runners , knee surgery..well i can't avoid it anymore, it could be worst if it is left unattended, it is highly recommended by the specialist , hopefully he's right about this, cause i'm running out of options/potions for running....injury free
Here how the days started, it is 23 March 2010, at 10 am i was being towed by the nurse to the OT room, yikes, i did my fasting starting from 9.00 am the day before fuhh, The first feeling of entre to the OT , siad to myself ,Oh my God! what had i put myself into?...yikes.. the heart is beating fast, gazing and looking at the surgical instruments laying around u , just gave u the it is supercool inside there, i'm practical freezing with fear and coldness, waahh.. i took the Local Anesthetic instead, cause i want to be awake to witness..mmm is it a bad idea,,,,well sort of...hahah...but it was every educational ones indeed....the local anesthetic went through by spinal..i.e. u can say it is epidural , it is when the specialist injects the anesthetics through your spine...ouch kind of gerun that time..the "what if" thoughts are flowing through mind like craazy...mane lar tahu if i am the one in a million yang tersilap ke...ngucap banyak banyak..mane lar tahu senget sebelah ke...huaaahhhh.......
After the anesthetic kicks in, i did not feel a thing waist below, i heard the doctor coming in and greeted all the OT nurses then me, and the next minute i looked at the monitor weyy a picture of a knee...inside of it..opps he was already in, he opted for laparoscope or they called it 'scope' for short, two incisions were made at my left knee one for the camera and another for the works....
The doctor was so kind to explained to me everything that he did at the time, wow., surreal experience watching a live knee in action, they snap a few pics, may be later i upload it, for educational purposes..when the doctor mentioned to me that it was mechanical problems, well yar....heheheh i got the first hand lesson of my knee, it was quite hollow....i can see my knee bones the two head going downs, he showed to me the painful parts, on the right side of the knee is caused by the upper bone at distal femoral condoyle is rubbing against the tibia, there are some bruises on the lower meniscus which can't be seen in the MRI, some bone trimmings is done on the upper part of it, then he moves on to the patella, it was diagnosed from the MRI to be lopesided or kind of hard on the left sidehe removes like web kind of things by burning the excess tissues.
The crucial part that makes me worry much is the posterior cruciate ligament , the one's that connected the to the tibia at the back, He briefly explained that its not as flex (sudah hilang kekenyalan) i guess it must had lost it from the many uphill runs kot...hehehe, heated the ligament to shrink the collagen and walla its tight again...but too tight that means i had a brand new spring which is yet to be conditions..the surgery went alright..i was towed back to my room.....
The first few hours after anesthetic, u are not allowed to eat or even move (rules of the thumb 6 hours), especially when it involves spinal, cause the after effect could be quite detrimental after few years,,,prolong back pain...yikes...i was practically starving from the late night fasting...pergggg...after three hour , i was given a chance to have a sip of water,..i almost forgot that i still cant move my legs if i where to eat n drinks then the toilet moves will be quite a hassle therefore better refrained myself owing to the thought, hahaha, the real pains started to sink in very badly after the anesthetic went out, i was practically crying and crouching on the bed, the pain was unbearable, i can't sleep and i can't walk, the pain killer tooks a while to kicks in too, wow...what a bloody pain it was....
The pains slowly subside and now i am doing some physio plus an orthopedic knee brace was placed on my knee set at 60 degree, huhuhu, the docs says i could get back into running after a month depends on my recovery stage, but he only mentioned joging, i guess long distance running still out of the question ler ...expecting a miracle...we''ll wait and see ler...
Happy Training To All....
Here how the days started, it is 23 March 2010, at 10 am i was being towed by the nurse to the OT room, yikes, i did my fasting starting from 9.00 am the day before fuhh, The first feeling of entre to the OT , siad to myself ,Oh my God! what had i put myself into?...yikes.. the heart is beating fast, gazing and looking at the surgical instruments laying around u , just gave u the it is supercool inside there, i'm practical freezing with fear and coldness, waahh.. i took the Local Anesthetic instead, cause i want to be awake to witness..mmm is it a bad idea,,,,well sort of...hahah...but it was every educational ones indeed....the local anesthetic went through by spinal..i.e. u can say it is epidural , it is when the specialist injects the anesthetics through your spine...ouch kind of gerun that time..the "what if" thoughts are flowing through mind like craazy...mane lar tahu if i am the one in a million yang tersilap ke...ngucap banyak banyak..mane lar tahu senget sebelah ke...huaaahhhh.......
After the anesthetic kicks in, i did not feel a thing waist below, i heard the doctor coming in and greeted all the OT nurses then me, and the next minute i looked at the monitor weyy a picture of a knee...inside of it..opps he was already in, he opted for laparoscope or they called it 'scope' for short, two incisions were made at my left knee one for the camera and another for the works....
The doctor was so kind to explained to me everything that he did at the time, wow., surreal experience watching a live knee in action, they snap a few pics, may be later i upload it, for educational purposes..when the doctor mentioned to me that it was mechanical problems, well yar....heheheh i got the first hand lesson of my knee, it was quite hollow....i can see my knee bones the two head going downs, he showed to me the painful parts, on the right side of the knee is caused by the upper bone at distal femoral condoyle is rubbing against the tibia, there are some bruises on the lower meniscus which can't be seen in the MRI, some bone trimmings is done on the upper part of it, then he moves on to the patella, it was diagnosed from the MRI to be lopesided or kind of hard on the left sidehe removes like web kind of things by burning the excess tissues.
The crucial part that makes me worry much is the posterior cruciate ligament , the one's that connected the to the tibia at the back, He briefly explained that its not as flex (sudah hilang kekenyalan) i guess it must had lost it from the many uphill runs kot...hehehe, heated the ligament to shrink the collagen and walla its tight again...but too tight that means i had a brand new spring which is yet to be conditions..the surgery went alright..i was towed back to my room.....
The first few hours after anesthetic, u are not allowed to eat or even move (rules of the thumb 6 hours), especially when it involves spinal, cause the after effect could be quite detrimental after few years,,,prolong back pain...yikes...i was practically starving from the late night fasting...pergggg...after three hour , i was given a chance to have a sip of water,..i almost forgot that i still cant move my legs if i where to eat n drinks then the toilet moves will be quite a hassle therefore better refrained myself owing to the thought, hahaha, the real pains started to sink in very badly after the anesthetic went out, i was practically crying and crouching on the bed, the pain was unbearable, i can't sleep and i can't walk, the pain killer tooks a while to kicks in too, wow...what a bloody pain it was....
The pains slowly subside and now i am doing some physio plus an orthopedic knee brace was placed on my knee set at 60 degree, huhuhu, the docs says i could get back into running after a month depends on my recovery stage, but he only mentioned joging, i guess long distance running still out of the question ler ...expecting a miracle...we''ll wait and see ler...
Happy Training To All....
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pre Knee Surgery
I can't say that i was not warned before i joined this kind of activities but as the adrenaline pump'in u are so high on the adventure ride of your lifetime, yup the verdict is in Doc said i need a minor corrective knee surgery, yikes...and i'll be off god knows ...hopefully not for long, doc said i could run again..well.. provided that i take good care of my knee,
I always wonder why is it have to be me yer???...I'm always the first to everything..especially the wrong things ler....kind of used to it pulak...geram pun ade ...sedih pun ade the is mix of everything hopefully it will not be down the drain for good....I guess Nadia's is right sometimes it just not meant to be u....
hahah ...seram sejuk ni...Doc said it will be a minor surgery using laproscope, non invasive type, He suspected that i had minor torn ligament and displacement of the patella meniscus, some bone trimmings will be done...yikes...what had i put myself into....macam macm thoughts ler i coming through my head right would i able to run again like normal or not at all.....
Sob ..sob ...sob her...wish me luck for tomorrow's surgery....
I always wonder why is it have to be me yer???...I'm always the first to everything..especially the wrong things ler....kind of used to it pulak...geram pun ade ...sedih pun ade the is mix of everything hopefully it will not be down the drain for good....I guess Nadia's is right sometimes it just not meant to be u....
hahah ...seram sejuk ni...Doc said it will be a minor surgery using laproscope, non invasive type, He suspected that i had minor torn ligament and displacement of the patella meniscus, some bone trimmings will be done...yikes...what had i put myself into....macam macm thoughts ler i coming through my head right would i able to run again like normal or not at all.....
Sob ..sob ...sob her...wish me luck for tomorrow's surgery....
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sundown Marathon, State of preparations
13 weeks left before the event, i had not been banking any milage since my injuries in January, Shits...would it be enough to start training this April only if my knee is fully healed, hopefullly it will, for the past two days i had been power walking for 6 km around Lake Titiwangsa,
I can't help it ler, the Adrenalin is pushing me to take the road instead, well this time i pay extra attention to my pacing ,not to go into joging pace and Alhamdulilah i did not felt any pain at the usual spot that is my left leg bicep tendon, what a relief there, well i'm not giving it any "go" signals for running however there are time when i felt some of the hip muscles pull on both sides, yikes...maybe its too early....hehe signed of relieved that now i can walk and power walk injury free, ...huhuh one step ahead..
But what worries me most is that 42 k i'll be doing in May, yikes...kalau x boleh lari ..aku power walk all the way jer lar....nampaknya...Kiasu ler i ni, nak masuk jugak...x nak lepaskan bib...
Sometimes i wished that i knew that this is coming but there is a quote i just read from the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" , U dont know the peak till u reached the lower valley, part of learning to reach for something is to endured the downside of it,...
Happy Training to all of u
I can't help it ler, the Adrenalin is pushing me to take the road instead, well this time i pay extra attention to my pacing ,not to go into joging pace and Alhamdulilah i did not felt any pain at the usual spot that is my left leg bicep tendon, what a relief there, well i'm not giving it any "go" signals for running however there are time when i felt some of the hip muscles pull on both sides, yikes...maybe its too early....hehe signed of relieved that now i can walk and power walk injury free, ...huhuh one step ahead..
But what worries me most is that 42 k i'll be doing in May, yikes...kalau x boleh lari ..aku power walk all the way jer lar....nampaknya...Kiasu ler i ni, nak masuk jugak...x nak lepaskan bib...
Sometimes i wished that i knew that this is coming but there is a quote i just read from the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" , U dont know the peak till u reached the lower valley, part of learning to reach for something is to endured the downside of it,...
Happy Training to all of u
Friday, February 26, 2010
Ever had that feeling of disappointment after a big meal( expensive ones) = TGIF
Ye lar. My aunt had this craving before she goes to Makkah for her Umrah, Nak Makan Steak lar, mm thought of going to Pavilion where she can shoe shop , again!! while me eye washing to burn some calories jugak though its my cardio break day, ahaa...well there are several choices to have it and i chosed TGIF...
My order was Sizzling Chicken and Cheese and my aunt was NewYork's Grill Steak, the waiter and the services were fine but the food aiyo kind of sucks, Tekak Melayu ke aku ni?...anyway i had my fine share of steak when i was an avid red meat eater, but this time it just sucks big time, we took well done, cause half done would be eating something goooey...but some people enjoy it cause it brought the sweetness of the beef, its not a sirloin, we did ask the waiter which is the best ones minus the one's with the Jack Daniels or else my aunt will be a bit coocoo afterwards...
The side dishes to the steak were stir fried broccoli with garlic mashed potato, its was too bare to be called an American portions, honestly the meat tasted like...plain grilled beef, lagi sedap daging bakar kelate hok buak..makang dengan nasi kerabu, sorri ler i slang ganu ckit...Honestly.. Chllies is far more better than TGIF, this is the second TGIF which is out of my list.....i tasted TGIF in PJ which is good , and the rest fare bad....
Next time i'm sticking to my fave place for my American portions, have not tasted Tony Roma's yet....
having said that, it brought memories when my father used to make this weekend dinner meals we called western weekend feast, where my father would bought lamb chops and beef chops from the local deli's, my father is the connoisseur of western cuisine , being born and raised in KL, he used to hang out at the fav western outlets here, last time it was called Colliseum, wow fantastic they said, it was the birth place of Chicken Chop,...back to my childhood memories, my father would marinates the chops at least a day earlier and asked me Julliene and shred the vege's for the coleslaw , we would have it after Maghrib, he grilled it in an open pan, together with gravy of the marinates, ..... lots of fun back then, now sume dah besar jadi maleh pulok...maybe one day i'll do it for them,
My order was Sizzling Chicken and Cheese and my aunt was NewYork's Grill Steak, the waiter and the services were fine but the food aiyo kind of sucks, Tekak Melayu ke aku ni?...anyway i had my fine share of steak when i was an avid red meat eater, but this time it just sucks big time, we took well done, cause half done would be eating something goooey...but some people enjoy it cause it brought the sweetness of the beef, its not a sirloin, we did ask the waiter which is the best ones minus the one's with the Jack Daniels or else my aunt will be a bit coocoo afterwards...
The side dishes to the steak were stir fried broccoli with garlic mashed potato, its was too bare to be called an American portions, honestly the meat tasted like...plain grilled beef, lagi sedap daging bakar kelate hok buak..makang dengan nasi kerabu, sorri ler i slang ganu ckit...Honestly.. Chllies is far more better than TGIF, this is the second TGIF which is out of my list.....i tasted TGIF in PJ which is good , and the rest fare bad....
Next time i'm sticking to my fave place for my American portions, have not tasted Tony Roma's yet....
having said that, it brought memories when my father used to make this weekend dinner meals we called western weekend feast, where my father would bought lamb chops and beef chops from the local deli's, my father is the connoisseur of western cuisine , being born and raised in KL, he used to hang out at the fav western outlets here, last time it was called Colliseum, wow fantastic they said, it was the birth place of Chicken Chop,...back to my childhood memories, my father would marinates the chops at least a day earlier and asked me Julliene and shred the vege's for the coleslaw , we would have it after Maghrib, he grilled it in an open pan, together with gravy of the marinates, ..... lots of fun back then, now sume dah besar jadi maleh pulok...maybe one day i'll do it for them,
Anyone up for ENM 10's Bib : Men's 20km Open
Alamak everyone must be joining Full Mara ler ni....if anyone interested please let me know yer....although i could run but better left it healed fully then go for maiden...
I'm letting go my bib, i just wanted the Running Vest for my collection .....please let me know
Dah ler tur trail running is up...yikes...tempted so much to join
I'm letting go my bib, i just wanted the Running Vest for my collection .....please let me know
Dah ler tur trail running is up...yikes...tempted so much to join
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sigh...not again, i been having these days where u just wanna be yourself and get out of these acting wardrobe and just be yourself nothing else matters....trying so hard to find the reason why am im here, it may sounds that i'm ungrateful of The Almighty gifts, i can't seem to find my strength and enjoyment anymore...
I wish i could get backed to my roots...and do the things i knee is getting better, its no longer hurts as before (that's something good to feel about kan..) , ye lar i had no obligation ...its easy for people like me..well its true...may be i should looked at others whom unfortunate to work like dogs days and night without least i could buy a house now, lucky me...heheh
Staying positive is tough when u mind is constantly battling the downside of life, its hard battling emotions and keeping up a smile, making others happy will eventually lead to yours too right...well as what my friend would said Chin Up and Walked Tall cause u are precious...
I wish i could get backed to my roots...and do the things i knee is getting better, its no longer hurts as before (that's something good to feel about kan..) , ye lar i had no obligation ...its easy for people like me..well its true...may be i should looked at others whom unfortunate to work like dogs days and night without least i could buy a house now, lucky me...heheh
Staying positive is tough when u mind is constantly battling the downside of life, its hard battling emotions and keeping up a smile, making others happy will eventually lead to yours too right...well as what my friend would said Chin Up and Walked Tall cause u are precious...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Abstaining for Abs : No Roti Canai or Nasi Lemak Month(s)
I lost 5 kg since i stopped jadi pelari tegar ni, recuperating that Kenyan keting for awhile, simpan sekejap kasi polish ckit kasi wat alignment then baru pasang balik...hehehe.. Reconnecting back to my weight training, strengthening the core muscle, reading a lot about the six packs ( technically it is 8 packs), loves the quotes : Six Packs are made in the kitchen rather than the gym....points to ponder,
So now i'm trying to live without Nasi Lemak and Roti Canai for at least a month...if it last then maybe months to come...hehehhe my favorite place to have Nasi lemak is my neighbor's one..fuhh sedap ler and for roti canai Raju's at bukit gasing...perr..macam teringin la pulak...gulp two Most Popular Malaysian Foods..can i resist the temptation well see...
So now i'm trying to live without Nasi Lemak and Roti Canai for at least a month...if it last then maybe months to come...hehehhe my favorite place to have Nasi lemak is my neighbor's one..fuhh sedap ler and for roti canai Raju's at bukit gasing...perr..macam teringin la pulak...gulp two Most Popular Malaysian Foods..can i resist the temptation well see...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Clueless Mind Over Power Walk
I am in a state of clueless, not knowing what to do? Last Monday, i planned to go out walking in the park early in the morning before going off to PD in the afternoon, i'm just bored sitting at home without doing any workout/ exercising without any impact to my knee, that would be impossible to create zero gravity...hahah,
Armed with my MP3 player and my latest pair of Adidas runnig pant, huhu it was supposed to be a walked around the park with slighly faster pace or some says power walk, wow i felt so refreshed and joyful, smiling to myself and gleeing along the joging path...started with small pace progressed to fast continues on without realising that i'm actually running...brushing through people...oopps got carried over...who would not when u are beaming with joy in your hearts...i did finished 2 rounds non stop..when it reaches half of the third loops ...the pain strike back...The Empire Strikes Back... well it has only been three days since i did my MRI scans...tendonsitis ouch....i stop running immediately which was supposed to be power walk kan..dumb dumb me
I went home immediately iced my swollen tendon...ahh what a relief it was,,,or else limping pulak kat PD...dah tak smart ,awek pun tak nak is not as prolong pain as it was before,,after the icing ..i could walk again as usual and climb normal....but not giving it a go for running just yet...
i will rest till the Doctor says so...
So next time when u power walk make sure it is power walk yer Shaqi....jangan lak berlari...
Armed with my MP3 player and my latest pair of Adidas runnig pant, huhu it was supposed to be a walked around the park with slighly faster pace or some says power walk, wow i felt so refreshed and joyful, smiling to myself and gleeing along the joging path...started with small pace progressed to fast continues on without realising that i'm actually running...brushing through people...oopps got carried over...who would not when u are beaming with joy in your hearts...i did finished 2 rounds non stop..when it reaches half of the third loops ...the pain strike back...The Empire Strikes Back... well it has only been three days since i did my MRI scans...tendonsitis ouch....i stop running immediately which was supposed to be power walk kan..dumb dumb me
I went home immediately iced my swollen tendon...ahh what a relief it was,,,or else limping pulak kat PD...dah tak smart ,awek pun tak nak is not as prolong pain as it was before,,after the icing ..i could walk again as usual and climb normal....but not giving it a go for running just yet...
i will rest till the Doctor says so...
So next time when u power walk make sure it is power walk yer Shaqi....jangan lak berlari...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Blazing Hot PD..CNY Getaway session
Haha this is definitely not another....sports related session yer..its just me telling a story about my getaway with my friends up in PD, ...we spent a night ajer di sane....ape PD least its not KL..hahah
Letting go of some steam from hustle anf bustle of the quite life in KL during long holiday break is ..gila ka....i..yup PD is fulled with all sorts people and families enjoying their very long weekend even though...bukan celebrate CNY pun hehe...anyway..the weather there was blazing hot...yet u can still see all of this guys and girls terkinja kinja kat pantai at Noon...aiyo...memang SPF tahap 150 for me i chosed to stay indoors ..and wait till the sun is set.baru mandi...hehehe
The beach where we swim is fronting Bayu Beach Resort, thought it is clean but turn out to be quite a disaster, ape ler depa ni...buang sampah merata rata ler....begang tul aku...cehhhh....
pandangan yang berbeza boleh menyebabkan your mind goes astray from the stress of day to day life...semacam soccer daddy jer i ni....hopefully one day ler...i'll be one
The food, we ate at Restoran Nasreen Songkla , its nearby Ming Court hotel (yang closed down)...on the left side road leading to Teluk Kemang town, each of three of us ordered two dishes, honestly, i can't recalled the menu, but there were two types sayur, one pandan chicken, tomyam pok tek, cashew nuts chicken and fried prawns....The verdict is superb ler...we enjoy the food very much...its very tasty and the flavors are balanced of sweet, hot, spicy and tangerine tinge -macam masakan Thai kebiasannyer ler.. there goes my diet of free carbo katanyer...hehe it was a joyful thing to us due to foods are very dear to our hearts.. lupe the price is considerably cheap ler..the bill with drinks total up to RM 39.00..well worth it...recomended to anyone for a stop here ..if u are thinking of going there for dinner make sure u get there early..cause the crowd could pull back the serving time of the foods...but well worth the wait
The night we spent reminiscing of our past life ...kutuk the old friends yang tak jejak bumi whenever he/she talks about themself..ay day chow to KL...surprisingly the road was clear..
We made a stop at Al Diafah in Sri Petaling for some quick Arabic lunch feast....our menu was A whole roast chicken with bread ( its not that typical pita, its kind of puffy) and mint sauce, my drink was lemon tea while friends opt for Almond'd milk ( cow's milk mixed with almond and a tinge of mint)...loves every bit of it...though its pricey RM 45.00 for a whole bird...well its worth it..sedapler...sgt...
Sorry pics taken kebanyakkan nye censored so x leh nak upload...
Letting go of some steam from hustle anf bustle of the quite life in KL during long holiday break is ..gila ka....i..yup PD is fulled with all sorts people and families enjoying their very long weekend even though...bukan celebrate CNY pun hehe...anyway..the weather there was blazing hot...yet u can still see all of this guys and girls terkinja kinja kat pantai at Noon...aiyo...memang SPF tahap 150 for me i chosed to stay indoors ..and wait till the sun is set.baru mandi...hehehe
The beach where we swim is fronting Bayu Beach Resort, thought it is clean but turn out to be quite a disaster, ape ler depa ni...buang sampah merata rata ler....begang tul aku...cehhhh....
pandangan yang berbeza boleh menyebabkan your mind goes astray from the stress of day to day life...semacam soccer daddy jer i ni....hopefully one day ler...i'll be one
The food, we ate at Restoran Nasreen Songkla , its nearby Ming Court hotel (yang closed down)...on the left side road leading to Teluk Kemang town, each of three of us ordered two dishes, honestly, i can't recalled the menu, but there were two types sayur, one pandan chicken, tomyam pok tek, cashew nuts chicken and fried prawns....The verdict is superb ler...we enjoy the food very much...its very tasty and the flavors are balanced of sweet, hot, spicy and tangerine tinge -macam masakan Thai kebiasannyer ler.. there goes my diet of free carbo katanyer...hehe it was a joyful thing to us due to foods are very dear to our hearts.. lupe the price is considerably cheap ler..the bill with drinks total up to RM 39.00..well worth it...recomended to anyone for a stop here ..if u are thinking of going there for dinner make sure u get there early..cause the crowd could pull back the serving time of the foods...but well worth the wait
The night we spent reminiscing of our past life ...kutuk the old friends yang tak jejak bumi whenever he/she talks about themself..ay day chow to KL...surprisingly the road was clear..
We made a stop at Al Diafah in Sri Petaling for some quick Arabic lunch feast....our menu was A whole roast chicken with bread ( its not that typical pita, its kind of puffy) and mint sauce, my drink was lemon tea while friends opt for Almond'd milk ( cow's milk mixed with almond and a tinge of mint)...loves every bit of it...though its pricey RM 45.00 for a whole bird...well its worth it..sedapler...sgt...
Sorry pics taken kebanyakkan nye censored so x leh nak upload...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Bunny Run Bib's 20km Men Open Is Up For Grab..Opps Energizer Lerr
I'm listening to Glee's version of Defying Gravity,quite aspiring indeed, but letting go is what the best thing to do now ...Anyone interested please kindly leave any messages, U don't have to pay, i just wanted the Running Vest only ( collecting It for my training needs)......
The MRI had spoken and the verdict i have left knee bicep tendonsitis with some fluid( can't seem to remember what is called medic terms) if it is worsens in another 3 weeks and it may required to be stitched, yikes seems very painful i will be out at least half of the year,
Final Verdict : There is no use defying gravity , humbled grounded here...
The MRI had spoken and the verdict i have left knee bicep tendonsitis with some fluid( can't seem to remember what is called medic terms) if it is worsens in another 3 weeks and it may required to be stitched, yikes seems very painful i will be out at least half of the year,
Final Verdict : There is no use defying gravity , humbled grounded here...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Resting Again and Lookin Back
Another run missed, this did not happen to me last year, sumenyer rempuh jer..., now i know that the art of running is to be able to run the next day after any races, flexibility and agility should be hand in hand...held and bonded together for life long..
Never knew resting is a part of training, pergg..hand on my head now.. always into pushing higher and higher further up the mileage bank, now it left me humbled in my own less impact world..makes u think, is this what u missed when u are running all the time...pondering to some of my family members whom are being cynical about me running all the time...ko ni tidak bosan ke...asyik lari lari jer nanti injured padan muka hang...its hard to explain to them unless they are in my shoes...or runners too...hehe..running for me is like paracetamol to headaches, penicillin to bacterial infections, steroid to athletes (over lak..)...
Infectious in a good manner, it has brought joy as well instilled positive values about life, plus meeting with new running buddies whom are very supporting and encouraging in every step of the way, building new network of friends from all walks of life, jumping with joy every time we run while sharing stories of up and down of our life apart from our running series, this a part of running that i really missed, listening to their stories..seronok tau..they are indeed .. very good story tellers, aku ni hampeh ckit...but i can count though....reading blogs is not the same as making direct face to face contacts...where u can see their grins, laugh, cheeky...sharing their stories while agonizing the pain after a long run.
The carboloading session, at times it went overboard ler pulak...melantak macam esok tak de ler pulak... well that was me...hehe semacam dapat license to kill, can't help it they are so many foods to try when u are at foreign places...hehe...
Cam-whore at every point along the run as much as u could possibly can...Abg Nik with his trusted Canon and Bro Ian with Olympus Tough plus my friend's Warie's taking picture while running ? mesti kelam kabut tahap cipan ler......thought of doing that after this....photographed my memories...
Shoe shopping has been very technical lately...unlike before..ahh any shoes will do as long as it comfortable..comfort yup, well it could only be for a short distance ...sekarang tengok kasut dah pandai dah predict what will happen if i bought this kind of evolves from Power to Adidas AdiZero...lum kira Trail running gear lagi hehehe...thinking of moving into MTB pulak..slowly saving enough cash for it...
I will keep my Chin up and rest till i'm ready to brush through the tarmacs and hills again...thanks again to all my fellow blogger runner for the support and not forgetting Congrats for finishing the gruesome PNM..
Never knew resting is a part of training, pergg..hand on my head now.. always into pushing higher and higher further up the mileage bank, now it left me humbled in my own less impact world..makes u think, is this what u missed when u are running all the time...pondering to some of my family members whom are being cynical about me running all the time...ko ni tidak bosan ke...asyik lari lari jer nanti injured padan muka hang...its hard to explain to them unless they are in my shoes...or runners too...hehe..running for me is like paracetamol to headaches, penicillin to bacterial infections, steroid to athletes (over lak..)...
Infectious in a good manner, it has brought joy as well instilled positive values about life, plus meeting with new running buddies whom are very supporting and encouraging in every step of the way, building new network of friends from all walks of life, jumping with joy every time we run while sharing stories of up and down of our life apart from our running series, this a part of running that i really missed, listening to their stories..seronok tau..they are indeed .. very good story tellers, aku ni hampeh ckit...but i can count though....reading blogs is not the same as making direct face to face contacts...where u can see their grins, laugh, cheeky...sharing their stories while agonizing the pain after a long run.
The carboloading session, at times it went overboard ler pulak...melantak macam esok tak de ler pulak... well that was me...hehe semacam dapat license to kill, can't help it they are so many foods to try when u are at foreign places...hehe...
Cam-whore at every point along the run as much as u could possibly can...Abg Nik with his trusted Canon and Bro Ian with Olympus Tough plus my friend's Warie's taking picture while running ? mesti kelam kabut tahap cipan ler......thought of doing that after this....photographed my memories...
Shoe shopping has been very technical lately...unlike before..ahh any shoes will do as long as it comfortable..comfort yup, well it could only be for a short distance ...sekarang tengok kasut dah pandai dah predict what will happen if i bought this kind of evolves from Power to Adidas AdiZero...lum kira Trail running gear lagi hehehe...thinking of moving into MTB pulak..slowly saving enough cash for it...
I will keep my Chin up and rest till i'm ready to brush through the tarmacs and hills again...thanks again to all my fellow blogger runner for the support and not forgetting Congrats for finishing the gruesome PNM..
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Resting and Supernatural Ability
I wish i could have the ability to tell what is happening in my knee right now and projecting my rate of recovery, this is what every runners are unable to tell and which lead to devastating results, after yesterday chit chat with Nadia at Bro Ian's POR swimming, macam ler aku swim sgt kan....i'm reactivating back the swimming mode, hopefully it will be back in the veins,
yup the supernatural ability i meant is to know your body functions, u are able to look at yourself far beyond any modern machines would able to do....wah hebat tu, u can even tell how much actually your body endured, She did mentioned that one ex runner stories that really gave me the creep, now a cyclist - his knee was toast due to excessive running, yikes, he wished that he could run again and warn her that don't avoid the warning signals, please rest well make it 100%, gulp,
The supernatural ability will enable me to see myself beyond the skin thus making sure that i would not hurt myself too much, morally i would not able to see others except myself, hehehe..
I'm enjoying the resting period i'm in although its hard to see most my running buddies were enjoying their run, if they are happy then i am too right, reading their stories in their blog brought me closer the running world, hehe ...yup taking their advises-venturing into other side of running swimming, biking (i wish i could are there any bikes to rent ke?, for two months) motivating myself ,believing and praying hard to Almighty that i could run like the wind again.............................................................................................................................
yup the supernatural ability i meant is to know your body functions, u are able to look at yourself far beyond any modern machines would able to do....wah hebat tu, u can even tell how much actually your body endured, She did mentioned that one ex runner stories that really gave me the creep, now a cyclist - his knee was toast due to excessive running, yikes, he wished that he could run again and warn her that don't avoid the warning signals, please rest well make it 100%, gulp,
The supernatural ability will enable me to see myself beyond the skin thus making sure that i would not hurt myself too much, morally i would not able to see others except myself, hehehe..
I'm enjoying the resting period i'm in although its hard to see most my running buddies were enjoying their run, if they are happy then i am too right, reading their stories in their blog brought me closer the running world, hehe ...yup taking their advises-venturing into other side of running swimming, biking (i wish i could are there any bikes to rent ke?, for two months) motivating myself ,believing and praying hard to Almighty that i could run like the wind again.............................................................................................................................
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Landing, How Do U Do It?
Me and Bro Ian were chatting and discussing our running techniques, and he did mention to me, how do you land your feet during running, i said forefoot..well...that may be the main cause of my injuries, i should be focusing more - landing on my mid foot or heel...however there is this interesting article about landing.......written by Jonathan Dugas and Ross Tucker both are pHd holder in Exercise Physiology from University of Cape Town, very enlightening indeed, enjoy reading it and ask yourself which one are u ? and What should u choose to land on?
Heel vs. Midfoot vs. Forefoot: How do elite runners land?
I've finally gotten around to this post, which is probably two weeks in the making, and it follows on from our recent series on running shoes. That series began by looking at whether shoes are in fact as much a cause of injury as a cure, and then evolved into a discussion of how the running market is evolving. Twenty years ago, it was all about motion-control shoes preventing overpronation to prevent injury. Today, it's all about running "barefoot in your shoes", as companies try to go back to "natural" without selling you "the Emperor's clothes", in effect! (It's quite a long post, my apologies, but a lot of important information to get through...)
The next logical question is to ask how is the foot supposed to land during running? This question evolves out of the discussion of shoes. vs barefoot running, and is often at the heart of discussions on running technique. Very often, debates of "technique" tend to start from the feet, jump to the knees ("lift your knees") and then skip to the arms, and that's about it! We won't go into too much detail on technique today, focusing instead on only one of many aspects - the landing of the foot, and particularly, whether the elite runners tend to land on the heel, the midfoot, or the forefoot.
Elite runners footstrike patterns
Perhaps surprisingly, there are very few studies looking at elite runners and footstrike patterns during actual races. Despite this, until recently, the overwhelming majority of coaches and experts were advocating that heel-striking was the most effective technique, simply because most athletes did it. That claim will come up again, but the perception that it was most effective has, over the last few years, been changing. And with the advent of Pose and other running techniques, as well as the observation that not all elite runners are landing on the heel first, people have now begun to advocate that forefoot landing is better! So we have this 180 degree shift, often in the absence of any substantial data to support the claim.
I am sure that many will have seen this kind of assertion (this one is from Wikipedia):
Leaning forward places a runner's centre of mass on the front part of the foot, which avoids landing on the heel and facilitates the use of the spring mechanism of the foot. In other words, landing on the heel is bad, to be avoided...Or there is this, from Gordon Pirie (admittedly somewhat older):
"Running equals springing through the air, landing elastically on the forefoot with a flexed knee..."But what is "better"? Where science has yet to catch up with opinion
It's important at this point to ask the very pertinent, but infrequently asked question: "What does 'better' mean?". In other words, when people are advocating that it's 'better' to land on the forefoot, what do they mean? Is it faster? More efficient? Less injury-prone? The fact is, the word "better" is used without studies specifically looking at any single one of these aspects. And the 'prudence concept', as applied to science, says that you cannot say something is "better" unless it's been studied and compared to the alternatives. Unfortunately, the science lags behind in this regard.
So for example, above you have the quote that you are supposed to land elastically on the forefoot. That implies performance and efficiency, which might be true for short exercise, lasting a minute or two. But in an event like the marathon, are we sure it remains the "better" option? If you went out and ran 2 hours today, landing on your forefoot instead of landing as you've always done, what would be the likely outcome? Chances are, you'd be hurting for a few days, with calf muscles that you had perhaps forgotten you had! Worst case scenario, you'd be injured for months with an Achilles tendon injury. That is certainly not a desirable outcome. So there are problems with making sweeping statements about landing patterns.
But more than this, these kinds of statements are never grounded in proof. So for example, when it's written that you land "elastically", has anyone ever done the study of elastic energy return in different types of running? They haven't, but there is theory about it, and that's where these recommendations come from. So the approach in the discussion that follows is for me to adopt the role of "questioner", playing Devil's Advocate, with the humble admission that science simply does not know the right answer, only the possibilities...
Looking at one particular study - elite 21 km runners
So in the current climate where real evidence is scarce and opinions hold sway, let's take a look at one study that has examined footstrike patterns during running events. It was done in 2004 in Japan, and published in 2007 in the Journal of Strength of Conditioning (not sure of the reason for the delay - it happens sometimes in science!). The full reference, for those interested, is Hasegawa et al., J Strength & Cond., 2007, (21), 888-893
It was performed at the 2004 Sapporro International Half Marathon in Japan. The scientists set up a high speed camera (very important for accurate collection of information - beats YouTube science any day!) at the 15km mark of the race, and captured most of the runners coming through. In total, they were able to observe the foot strike of 248 men and 35 women, and characterize them as either heel-strikers, mid-foot or forefoot strikers. They also measured Ground Contact Time at the 15km point.
The finding - what do you expect?
Before giving their main finding away, take a moment to guess what they would have found...If you are anything like me, and have read the substantial amount on the internet and in books about how it's "better" (there's that word again) to land on your forefoot, then of course, your expectation might be that they found:
- The majority of runners land on the forefoot
- Those that DO NOT land on the forefoot are the runners who finish towards the back of the field
- The vast majority (75%) of the elite runners land on the heel
- About 1 in four (24%) runners landed on the mid-foot
- Only 4 out of 283 runners landed on the forefoot

Possible conclusions - how you read the study is influenced by what you wish to prove...
So, given this, one is tempted to say that the landing of the foot makes no difference to overall performance. Of course, this is not necessarily true. As I wrote above, science is often taken out of context, and this is one such example. You cannot, for example, rule out the possibility that these heel-strikers might be a few seconds or minutes faster if they just learned to land on their forefoot! Personally, I think that's highly unlikely, and what is more likely is that they'll end up in rehab for Achilles injuries, but even that is a "bald assertion", based only on opinion!
Now, however, here is where it gets interesting, and this is where the forefoot advocates got quite excited. When the researchers divided the finishers into groups of 50, they started to see something of a change in mid-foot landing as you moved further down the list. In otherwords, there was a higher percentage of midfoot strikers in the first 50 runners than in the second, and then third, and so on. The graph below shows this for heel-strikers and mid-foot strikers (I haven't shown forefoot, because it's so tiny and insignificant by comparison):

Speed and footstrike
In otherwords, you naturally shift your contact point with the ground further forward when you run faster. The average speed, incidentally, of the first 50 runners was 3 minutes 3 seconds per kilometer. The second group of 50 runners averaged 3 minutes 10 seconds per kilometer. Hardly a big difference, but given the range (the 50th runner is at least a minute behind the 1st runner), is it possible that groups of 50 is too big, and that all this "finding" represents is a speed effect on footstrike?
The point is, this study does not allow you to differentiate between three possibilities:
- Faster runners are midfoot strikers (could be co-incidence or some other cause); or
- Midfoot strikers are faster runners (and therefore we should all change our running style and land on the front part of the foot more); or
- All runners would eventually be midfoot strikers, if they just ran fast enough!
Personal opinion and implications of this study
My personal reaction to this research, when it came out, was that it disproved the popular theory that all runners should be aiming to become midfoot or forefoot strikers. Most of us (well, I'm in this group, apologies if you are not) are nowhere near the elite level, and we're often told by experts and coaches that the elite are landing on the ball of the foot or the midfoot, and so we should too.
But the next time you think of running like Gebrselassie and trying to land mid or forefoot, consider this: if you go out and sprint 100m, you're likely to run on your toes the whole way - because you're running faster, you land more on the mid-foot, or even the forefoot.
Sprinting as you are, you'll probably cover 100m in 14 seconds, which puts you only 1 second ahead of a Bekele or a Gebrselassie in a 5000m race, so is it any wonder they are midfoot strikers on the track - they're running as fast as most of us sprint? The point I'm trying to make is, if you ran the speed they did, you'd be a mid-foot striker too! But just as I suspect they change as they slow down, we all do. So why, and on what basis, should you try to run with the same foot strike when you are running perhaps 3 minutes per kilometer SLOWER than them? Again, these are relatively bald assertions, but hopefully you recognize the implication of speed on foot strike.
So when you go out and run a 3 hour, or a 4 hour marathon, that's another story altogether. And what the Pose running study at UCT showed me a few years ago is that if you change the landing of the foot, you predispose the athlete to injury - that study took a group of runners and within two weeks had them all running on the midfoot (please don't write in to say that Pose doesn't mean midfoot, because Romanov was the coach and he was happy with their technique!). Two weeks later, they all broke down with Achilles tendon injuries!
Why? Because sitting where you are right now, if I was to walk into your office or your home and take you outside and ask you to please run landing on your forefoot or midfoot, I can pretty much guarantee that the way you would achieve this is to point your toe're probably doing this as you read this - contract the calf, and point your toe away from your body, like in ballet. Now imagine your body weight landing on that contracted calf muscle 85 times a minute for 4 hours. That, simply put, is a recipe for disaster.
However, if you can gradually change your landing, then I do believe that you can shift your footstrike. But it's a gradual process. And more important, what is the point? There is no evidence that heel-strikers are injured more, no evidence that mid-foot runners are faster and perform better than heel-strikers, and so the ultimate question is:
Why would you want to change your foot landing to begin with? Science has little to offer you in support of this. And so my advice, having read this far (well done!), is to forget about the possibility that you're landing "wrongly", and just let your feet land where, and how they land, and worry about all the other things you can when you run!
If there is one thing you change in your running, don't focus on your footstrike, but rather on WHERE your feet land relative to your body. Because if you are over-reaching and throwing your foot out in front of you, that's a problem, but what happens when the rubber meets the road is less relevant!
I'm sure there's more to this topic, based on your questions and comments. As usual, fire away! And remember the humble admission from earlier - science, believe it or not, does not know the answer definitively! (just as we can't tell you why Bekele is so dominant in World X-Country!)
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