Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Aku Mahu Lari...Tapi....

This sounds like normal phrase for any person whom were in too much of stress...haha it has been almost three months since my operations, but the pain is still there, need to check back with the Doc, What happen? yikes, please don't tell me that i can't run anymore, could this be a recovery phase, i'm confused, may be i'm just pushing myself too hard, not stopping when the pain strikes, though of it would be off after a rest, i had to do intermittent non impact cardio, interchanging from stationary bike to the treadmill, taking it step by step, wow it really not an easy path to take, well i opted for it, no choice , i had too or else it would be severed,

Aku Mahu Lari....for a runnerholics as me it is hard not able to enjoy doing what u like most, well that what u call takdir, it can happen when He says He will and it did, i can't escape my destiny, this time around i'll be the person cheering by the side, yeeehooo, feeling really sad and disappointed, well at least its the end of my running world indefinitely, i will be back in god knows , but hoping it will as soon as possible, hehehe, if you keep on thinking that why must this happen to me? aiya u be gila lar...accept it like a champ and push through it with high hope and spirit, it is hard on me...sedih sob sob sob...heheh itu ler tak nak dengar cakap orang habis tu...asyik nak dok dengar jadi ler kita yang biasa biasa ajer....Mcm bunyi Dr. Azizan pulak,

But what worries me most, is that,  i don't feel like i used to when ever there is a running event coming up, opps had i lost interest in competing, i'm not drawn so much into it, even to fact of knowing there is one coming up, i guess i'm being slacking for quite sometimes, out of shape body, losing focus, aiya this can not be maaa....hopefully resurrection is coming soon,

Reading from previous case study discussed in the net, well most of them were thankful having the kind of surgery i did and they took at least 5 months to recover fully, may be i should just be patience and do the same lorr, kan...

sometimes people throw all sorts of questions of why and how did u get ur knee busted, when i said due to run, ha???they get confused?? and concluded that i had a weak knee or just not fit to run, could it be due to that, then comes another question? bila start lari, i said baru tahun lepas, wah...ape yang ko wat sampai leh rosak, aiyo macam macam soalan yang panas and pedas ler...entah ler..maybe i was not build as a runner, could just be my techniques ler, or no stretching or over train, x leh cakap over train cause a lot of people ran higher milage than me. ..then what yer...alamak susah nak jawab ler...may be this the way The God to say enough...please be mindful of your body next time around...

Lagi teruk bila i jawab, i will not stop running, their typical answers will be, ko ni dah gile yer! mahal tu lutut ko! lantak ler ko kalau nak sakit lagi lari ler! sudah ler...ko tu bukan nyer leh lari pun! behenti jer lar!, aiyo tak de lak satu statement yang mengalakkan, susah tul...anyway being Octoberian, known for its ego, redah jer...peduli ler ape depa nak cakap, kekadang tu susah gak...aiyo what happen ler to my english here berterabur ler, sorry ler, kalau bos aku baca ni habis ler kene wat correction from top to bottom..hehe lari tajuk lak...those are the kind of reactions that i would normally received if were to moot any of my suggestion back into running. I know they really care about and the tribulation i been through post recovery, well a little understanding would be helpful...

Sometimes u can beat the odds  you just to adjust around it, sometimes i just dont understand the mechanics of it....aiya...i will carry on my dream of becoming  a Triathlete, hopefully it would be the end...praying so hard it is not......

Last but not least Happy Training To All

p/s: for those joining Sundown this Saturday Good Luck and Happy Wesak Day to all

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Knowledge Sharing- Glycogen

Glycogen is the molecule that functions as the secondary long-term energy storage in animal and fungi cells. It is made primarily by the liver and the muscles, but can also be made by glycogenesis within the brain and stomach. Glycogen is the analogue of starch, a less branched glucose polymer in plants, and is commonly referred to as animal starch, having a similar structure to amylopectin. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. Glycogen forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized to meet a sudden need for glucose, but one that is less compact than the energy reserves of triglycerides (lipids). In the liver hepatocytes, glycogen can compose up to 8% of the fresh weight (100–120 g in an adult) soon after a meal. Only the glycogen stored in the liver can be made accessible to other organs. In the muscles, glycogen is found in a much lower concentration (1% to 2% of the muscle mass), but the total amount exceeds that in the liver. However the amount of glycogen stored in the body, especially within the red blood cells,liver & muscles, mostly depends on physical training, basal metabolic rate and eating habits such as intermittent fasting. Small amounts of glycogen are found in the kidneys, and even smaller amounts in certain glial cells in the brain and white blood cells. The uterus also stores glycogen during pregnancy to nourish the embryo

Friday, May 21, 2010

My first FootSoul or Futsal

Running had always been my passion ever since i was so drawn and addicted to it, haha, Since i was down with injuries, it has been quite hard for me to run long distance again, when you hurt pretty badly like me it is hard...

Tetiba,my colleague at work insisted that i joined the futsal team, aiyo me playing football ka? well i did play for my school last time, yup back when i was in primary school....yikes...panic button about to be switch on...i am really out of shape to be playing a football game now, my body had not been contoured enough to carry that level of skills, ...they insisted that i 'll be in the team, even with the present condition, i am, isk...tempang...they said i just need to be the Goli, stay put and let the team do the defense, sounds like a very comforting situation kan....well knowing me, always redah be it my first futsal on last Wednesday at Sportsplanet Ampang..

Obviation is not apparent at the moment, nak cari kasut ler, what are the rules are? Are they same as the FIFA rules on the field ..will the opponents going to thrash me like a tin cam...rasenyer the anxiety is like the first time , i enter a running competition, what would happen if i did not finish the run, which I'm proud to say that i never had any DNF even though seriously injured...get back to the futsal thing again...

I did arrived at he futsal field in time, while thinking , what had i put myself into now, Are serious in playing this game after an abstinence for over 15 years, well here i am no turning back, wearing my joging shoes instead of futsal shoe, hahaha,,,malu pun ade...well u are surrounded by people whom well equipped from top to toe,,,hahah i'm really in the wrong field ler ni...haha ape rusa masuk kampung katanyer....

The whistle blew off , let the show begin, i was so clueless about the rules, i was very lucky to have a very supportive team mates whom guide me all the way through out the game, better not gone too far with the adrenaline , loves your knee ( capital investment tu) tahan pakai badan and tangan ajer...goli tempang katanyer,,,hahaha i did not let my team down well there are couple of good saves..kudos to me...hahah could this be????? team did great , i awed by the level of commitment they shown...and level of skills i was so out this league ler ....well play for fun....that what i wanted when i started competing against myself....

So let the soul seep through the foot and flows back to veins....

Happy Training To All

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recovery Training

The doc said i could run  again but slowly ler ..and my knee is getting stronger, it had moved back to the original position, Katanyer ler, I was fortunate to be had done it ACL recondition, now my knee much more stabilize whenever i run or walk,  My muscle on my left leg is still weak, thus far i can only go up to 9 km, it going take a quite sometime before this leg could be up again running the first  marathon...

It is always been my life , go for it, take the risk and be joyful in the process....,,,,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Keep the spirit high..RUN for A CAUSE...

There had been few runners that i knew whom running for a cause such as follows:-

Diket for MAKNA
Irwan Annuar for Majlis AIDS Malaysia
Kak Kash for Autisme NASM

Hopefully there will be more runners out there to follow their generous do of sacrificing part of their energy to spread a message of hope, some may not aware that one of us may had endured the painful memories in the past of losing someone or may just be suffering now on any misfortunes of life......i may not be the best person in real life..broken down but my hope is still burning inside of me..watching them my fellow running buddies...

Please reach for them, donate generously as u can...or moral support to continue on their journey...

I pray that their faith will conquers their fears

Happy Training To All

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This sudden feeling..of disabled..

Macam macam feeling..this is what i'm feeling right now...reading a few bloggers wrote about their incredible tribulation preparation for their upcoming i missed that day so much..out of the blue..this feeling of disability arises...may be this is what they are feeling..whenever u being left out or feeling incomplete..not being able to do what the others is sad kind of feeling..feeling ever so grateful that i can still walk to the mamak stall ..will be able to run soon...if Godwill..i'll do...

People will stare at the way you walk...ahh so funny ler that guy..felt so left out..kekadang..malu pun ade..haha. they would not know i'm a runner, yup caused i'm a bit gumuk sudah, haha, i was lucky to have a good support group here..thus being this state i would not be left out....

I guess, i had to forgo my Singapore dream, i'm just not fit, it will take me months to be up running, i take this as sign for be more careful and cautious of my body.....

Please take good care of your knee or else the retribution will be fatal to your running passion..

Happy Training..To All

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mataharibawah Singa Pura Pura Dua Puluh Sepuluh Mahu lari Ka?

well it has been five month since my last run, from then on it has been a struggle to cross the 5 km mark, limping at every step you push, then come the surgery, the fortunate me, well i'm loving the effect of the surgery though i can't run yet but i'm feeling optimistic that i could without any pain, huhu, being positive right, hopelessly positive dude...i had lost count on how many runs i had missed or not known, wow i can really got disconnected from the running world, oisk...i guess the holic of runnings is leaking away...sudah tidak jadi pelari tegar lagi ler....hehehe

I had this crazy idea about mataharibawah run down south...mmm well..i could not run as fast or run at all, well i may be left at the road side kot, i can't really tell what will happen by then, mmm may be i should just run or walk all the way...i had bought the bib, is it...ok ke? mesti i akan dikutuk oleh mamat -mamat pelari tegar ni...look at that guy nak masuk jugak, kalau jalan baik duduk kat  rumah jer...huahuahuhau....mmm spare the embarrassment or redah jer lah...

Tomorrow will be another appointment with my Orthopedic, my leg is still weak, the pain seem to gradually decrease, kerna kedegilan otak ni, i did 4 loops around Lake Titiwangsa last Saturday, i did felt pain around the muscle at the upper and lower thigh, limping the whole day, it did not stop me from going to watch Iron Man 2, haha, the next day i took a day off and found that the pain is almost non existent, mmm could this be...

The surgery is quite costly RM 12k in total, ouch investment tu..luckily i took it...mmm nak jalan ke tidak ni..mmm hopefully i could finish in time so that i could get the Finisher's T, lantak ler...6 hours pun ok jugak..ceh..confident,,,entah entah 8 hours...hahhaha ...could this leg last that long....mmmmm....