Friday, August 20, 2010

All i ever wanted in life ...

Why tetibe pulak bercakap pasai ni yer, well for a start I got what I wanted today GCB McD haha teringin dah lama tul tak makan hehe, after terawih fuhh sedak tul, sambil tu wifi jap leh ler I ngarut serba sdikit, not too much , I hope.

I was brought in a typical nucleus family, but that too typical if u put in the perspective ler, but that had not snot made me stop from having one or plan to,hehe, life is challenging when u are brought up with different set of views and environment, try to make things to work your way instead of the other, In the end, it was destined to be in that way that may not be what u wanted however u are better off than u thought u wanted to be..

Udah ler ngarut jer aku ni, sajer jer layan otak jap sambil melihat mcd yang penuh dgn budak budak and mak bapak yang menjadikan mcd meal sebagai moreh...hahahah

My bachelor pad is slowly taking shape, but the hardest part is to detached from your parents or in my case my aunt,can't seem to find the right time and words to explain, or should it just be my weekend port ajer hehe,

When u actually got it, u become undecided or rather uncertain

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Salam Ramadan Al-Mubarak

Ramadan datang lagi, the holy month of the Islamic calender, the fasting month and refraining yourself from any physical activities that may take up most of your energy and committing yourself into

a zombie...heheh...

Somehow, this ramadan seems a bit different than last year , well i don't have to train for any races for a start, so i'm free to enjoy the day, however, i would love to loose a lot kg though....having said that, for the past few days, i had a blast of feast from the morning right up to the evening tau....asyik dok makan ajer...tah hape hape aku dok did'nt sounds good kan, anyway tried to make it up by burning at least 500 calories the next morning...

Burning calories while devoting yourself to the Almighty is the sure way this month, so better lengthen those pants a little more down your knees yer...ceee wahh .., Hopefully i would not be traveling too much this month,

I just got my key to my new crib, well, undecided to move in or not, as currently i'm living with my aunt which is a few walking distance to my workplace, mmm, however, i would like to have a life of my own now....yang mane satu ler...

Tibe tibe teringat lak pose mase kecik kecik dulu...yang yang yok sangat.. kekonon basuh muka sekali telan jer air itu masuk grandma gave us that weird stare to us..isk bebudak ni asyik dok basuh muka jer.. an old tricks of quenching your thirst during fasting month, tibe tibe dah besar pun ade orang wat cam tu gak..aiyo , the tricks never dies one ler...hehehe, i never had enjoyed ramadan as much as i did for Raya,

My life now is pretty plain...hoping it to catapult to the next level.....

Salam Ramadan to all and Happy fasting....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Feeling whatever....

buhsan nyer, takde apa apa aktiviti ni...mmm tempted to join the run but i dont think i am fit enough to, well...exploring new things....ape ler swimming kan lame tak activate....should be doing that again....
ahh,,, itu jer lar aku dah x de idea nak tulis ape ler kat blog ni....

saje nak aktifkan merapu rapu...started training for stairs and i'm doing fine...hopefully my leg will be up and ready for next climbathon...that is what is miss the most...teruk tul aku ni...asyik dok nak seksa kaki jer...hahah
maybe i will be participating in 2011 TNF challenge , yup kalau ade rezeki , kasut trail pun dah berabuk ....

Is anyway u wanted and anyway i need it....redah jer...properly trained dulu yer....LSD pun pancit aku ni...nak g trail lagi ke...isk isk isk...hehehe.

pose pun dah nak dekat ni...gonna shift into hibernating conserve the muscle..

Happy Training and Ramadan to all