My battle with weight has always been a continuous ones since i was a kid...well surrounded by a plenty of foods and scrumptious deserts..who could not be tempted to not to be over indulged..
well food has always been my comfort relieve from stress...well growing up pains...and painfull school days..inner struggle of being perfectionist in my career..path had even added so many pounds..i guess by now u had probably read my previous entry about my crazy yo-yo dieting...scheme kan...but this time it will be my action plan...
First and foremost, what u should actually do is? get to know your body and what u put inside your stomach...i read a lot about losing weight, exercising, calories burning and Malaysian food calories...
It helps u to plan what and when plus how u could actually achieved your the saying goes knowledge is power...
Diet Plan
Some may not agreed to what i'm writing here...please do comment ..what i did is actually tailored made by me...
here goes...i went into a solid protein diet for about 6 months,,without staple carbo intake with once a week indulgence...
I took 5 times a day meal plan..with breakfast, morning snack,lunch, evening snack and dinner..
well what do i consume....well its all natural no protein shake, pills or even liposuctions yerr..
well u must be aware that u need to be nourished with all the important pyramid of talking pyramid please follow that as your portion controller...susah tur...kan..
my usuals are... breakfast is fried eggs, or sandwich without mayo, sometimes kueh ler, hot dogs,u can go heavy on breakfast but no carbo for me, that means no nasi, mee, kuey teow,or any which is high in carbo...well where do i get my carbo that is the easiest way to boost up your energy kan...mmmm well actually i am an avid milo i know that i would get it from there...
my morning snack will be jacob's high fiber crackers....and sometimes crackers tah hape hape ler...see there goes another carbo into my diet....
lunch....i would only take vegetables and proteins only, i could be in a form of soup or anything but less in oil and fats contents...
evening snacks...make sure it will end before 3.30 pm...crackers again...
dinner...lak sometimes the same as lunch....
Exercise plan
If u look at my diet, would i have any energy left to burn it out....
mmm well it has many carbo loop holes in it... it is what i called subconcious eating ...well u are used to eating all those snacks...u kindof forget that it actually has carbo in it...
the reason i do not take too much carbo is..i would go into the difficult energy curve ...which ois fat burning..whereby fat will only be burned only if there are less glucose to burn..well it may sounds as if u are killing your muscle..well actually not..if u had suffiicient amount of will not go into your protein cause it is the hardest way for your body to burn as fuel...
U get tired easily in the begining ..please dont stop kept on pushing and u will feel the sudden rush of energy...cause fats actually carries more ATP ..than carbo....but it is stored in solid forms therefore chanelling it will actually requires signals from the brain...try you will feel the difference
My normal routine for 6 months is running...that is the best way to burn it all out...
my favorite is Lake titiwangsa...burn it out..there...kind of funny thinking back the day i started very early sunday chased by the dogs...huhu and my soles tercabut..,,mcm2 well that not stopping me..well...i bought myself anew shoes then kept on running every evening...
starting at a slow non stop jog completed one round then it moves on to two rounds and somtimes even three. then move on towards running... of course u felt tired then fever pulak..mcam ler...but that not going stop me...there is never quick fix for weight loss...please dont believe all those slimming programme outhere bogus ler....
I move to bigger venues in running and sports...entering running competitions started with 10km, trail running, climbathon next is marathon and ultimately triathlon..
planning my next swimming class with bro Ian and purchasing my new bike...soon
don't give up keep on moving be it walking , gardening,washing your car, chasing your kids least it is a start towards being active.....well i never thought i could actually ventured into highly physical stuff till recently...
My weight now stay around 75 to 76 kg, previously it was around 100 kg to 110kg,
I do it on my own cause i just could not afford a trainer but i was fortunate that Bro Ian is a certified trainer gave me many tips...on his website u could afford one please will do it even faster than me....
Some people i know may not even recognized me..well...some people whom ingoring started to take notice me...i love the attentions ...but what was great is my health status now is so much better..i never had any migraine and my gastric is almost non existent...and my BP is very much lower than it was...hopefully after this i could found someone to share it for the rest of my life...
This plan of mine started as a changing agent that i really need when i started on a new career path...i was lost in the begining of the program but later on...i found that the very reason u should pursue this is your own satisfaction not of others,,to be pleased..
Keep on challenging yourself...and you reap the benefits...
thank you for promoting my website ... :) .... I still do share many tips on health & fitness per se. It's very satisfying when I see people getting themselves into fitness and exercising. Let us keep this spirit high so that other people can see the benefits, learn from it and live like a Corporate Athlete.