Sunday, July 18, 2010

Still Struggling, a long winding road ahead for me...

I had been running since my doctor said i'm fit to do so, however it had not giving the results i'm hoping for, this morning i started running at 6.00 am around lake titiwangsa ( my fav place for early jog) scenery pun ok plus the crowd pun leh thn jugak cuci mata jap..hehhe...back to my running, i did 10 minute stretching, then off to slow jog plodding my way around the lake outer circumference, thought of going really slow so that i could pickup my speed later but it seems that i'm stuck to that same speed, i can't lift my left foot higher without feeling some pain at my knee, i hate when that happen, tak pe teruskan ajer with the plod pace..

when i reached the second round, the pain started to increase causing my pace to be huru hara, i had to stop for a while, power walk a bit then started plodding again, habis sume makcik pakcik potong i , alamak malu ler pulak hehhe, ape nak wat, i guess i'm not ready yet for long distance yet, i did not exercised till it was Friday, i did a little run on the treadmill, 5 km ler jugak i tibai heheh,

Susah jugak nak recover yer, tak fair kan ..i ni baru jer lari setahun belum pun masuk setahun tapi dah sakit begini, really killed all hope of getting back into my passion, geram pun ade, but this my faith ,i'm not going to fight it instead embracing it, rehat jer lar....terima seadanyor je lar, this is my faith in running, nape ler yer...i hate it so much, can i change my leg instead, rasenyer macam tak bersyukur pulak , ramai lagi whom may not have the experienced that i had.....masalahnyer i'm always the one ended to having all of this kind of things, jatuh sampai kene jahit 20 stitches, pastu kene langgar motor mase naik basikal, org keje dapat bos best aku dapat bos yang macam hampeh, kawan lak asyik dok makan kawan jer, aiyo,,,,,,lar ni kene bedah lutut lak....
punah harapan ....meroyan pulak,,,anyway

Tough times dont last but tough people do....sometimes i rase dah nak give up running, i hate it that u been taken off the things u like to do...but that is life, i'm still fighting all my heart to be back on the road, doing what ever it takes to bring me back on the road....

There will be a lifetime of running...tak pe lar, lame kene tunggu, pun den tunggu ler...kalau tak den pi buat bedah lutut letak bosi ajor ler....tak dok lar sakit sakit lagi...

Happy Training To All......


  1. take it slow, shaqi. tak kan lari gunung di kejar. you'll get there soon.

  2. sowly there.. mebbe you just need to walk and increase kekuatan kaki... hang in there

  3. when the going get tough, the tough get going. sabar lah Shaqi, im sure ada hikmahnya :) dont lose hope yet. nape lah sombong takmo ajak aku training together? :P pakcik pun bukan lah pelari pecut. masih mcm tu jugak (or maybe glamer sket) haha.. jom lah lari together2 some time?

    do some steps/staircase perhaps?

  4. thanks for the words of encouragement, memang susah nak terima hakikatnyer, but i'm still holding on to my dream of becoming a triathlete, for now i'm just a broken man, need to shape up again mentally and physically

    Yes, daud u are most welcome to train with a snail like me, good luck with zigman,


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