Monday, July 26, 2010

Yeah, 6 months and No competitive running yet

MMM...tut tap tut tap, it had been 6 months and i had not been into any running competition, it felt so different, reminiscing the days that i used to run almost every weekends, endless prep for any long distance run,

well i did my run for the past two days at the not so pristine anymore lake garden ,yeah thanks to the ongoing construction works even on Sunday perrgggg, having that feeling of mini LSD , hehee  and yet i can't make it after the fourth loops, my leg is still not strong enough to pull through, well i will keep on pushing till it is ready for it,

But nothing beat the adrenaline rush when u reached the goal u set daily, fuish, i like the feeling whenever u run, u get that elation running through your veins, watching the green all around you dispersing their precious O2 and the people that will look at you then smile and somewhere at the back of their mind , thinking that i am an athlete, which is not, but somehow honored by the look, hahahah perasan ler aku ni..Octoberian memang camtu....can't help it...

Yup, i'm not going to write again that the road is not easy, i'm hoping that it is but at least i could run again though not as fast i could back then but at least i could maintain my ideal body weight kan,

Recovering is not an easy peasy i'm just going to enjoy doing it....


  1. so, nak masuk mana? Trailblazer ke, TNF 2011 :P

    u did your marathon or not? if not, jom kita buat our maiden run 2011?


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