Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Aku Mahu Lari...Tapi....

This sounds like normal phrase for any person whom were in too much of stress...haha it has been almost three months since my operations, but the pain is still there, need to check back with the Doc, What happen? yikes, please don't tell me that i can't run anymore, could this be a recovery phase, i'm confused, may be i'm just pushing myself too hard, not stopping when the pain strikes, though of it would be off after a rest, i had to do intermittent non impact cardio, interchanging from stationary bike to the treadmill, taking it step by step, wow it really not an easy path to take, well i opted for it, no choice , i had too or else it would be severed,

Aku Mahu Lari....for a runnerholics as me it is hard not able to enjoy doing what u like most, well that what u call takdir, it can happen when He says He will and it did, i can't escape my destiny, this time around i'll be the person cheering by the side, yeeehooo, feeling really sad and disappointed, well at least its the end of my running world indefinitely, i will be back in god knows , but hoping it will as soon as possible, hehehe, if you keep on thinking that why must this happen to me? aiya u be gila lar...accept it like a champ and push through it with high hope and spirit, it is hard on me...sedih sob sob sob...heheh itu ler tak nak dengar cakap orang habis tu...asyik nak dok dengar jadi ler kita yang biasa biasa ajer....Mcm bunyi Dr. Azizan pulak,

But what worries me most, is that,  i don't feel like i used to when ever there is a running event coming up, opps had i lost interest in competing, i'm not drawn so much into it, even to fact of knowing there is one coming up, i guess i'm being slacking for quite sometimes, out of shape body, losing focus, aiya this can not be maaa....hopefully resurrection is coming soon,

Reading from previous case study discussed in the net, well most of them were thankful having the kind of surgery i did and they took at least 5 months to recover fully, may be i should just be patience and do the same lorr, kan...

sometimes people throw all sorts of questions of why and how did u get ur knee busted, when i said due to run, ha???they get confused?? and concluded that i had a weak knee or just not fit to run, could it be due to that, then comes another question? bila start lari, i said baru tahun lepas, wah...ape yang ko wat sampai leh rosak, aiyo macam macam soalan yang panas and pedas ler...entah ler..maybe i was not build as a runner, could just be my techniques ler, or no stretching or over train, x leh cakap over train cause a lot of people ran higher milage than me. ..then what yer...alamak susah nak jawab ler...may be this the way The God to say enough...please be mindful of your body next time around...

Lagi teruk bila i jawab, i will not stop running, their typical answers will be, ko ni dah gile yer! mahal tu lutut ko! lantak ler ko kalau nak sakit lagi lari ler! sudah ler...ko tu bukan nyer leh lari pun! behenti jer lar!, aiyo tak de lak satu statement yang mengalakkan, susah tul...anyway being Octoberian, known for its ego, redah jer...peduli ler ape depa nak cakap, kekadang tu susah gak...aiyo what happen ler to my english here berterabur ler, sorry ler, kalau bos aku baca ni habis ler kene wat correction from top to bottom..hehe lari tajuk lak...those are the kind of reactions that i would normally received if were to moot any of my suggestion back into running. I know they really care about and the tribulation i been through post recovery, well a little understanding would be helpful...

Sometimes u can beat the odds  you just to adjust around it, sometimes i just dont understand the mechanics of it....aiya...i will carry on my dream of becoming  a Triathlete, hopefully it would be the end...praying so hard it is not......

Last but not least Happy Training To All

p/s: for those joining Sundown this Saturday Good Luck and Happy Wesak Day to all


  1. Please shaqi, let the knee recover. Tak payah nak berfutsal, futsal is dangerous. You use your legs to kick. The knee can get injured again if your other body parts are weak, so avoid anything that uses the legs too much or with impact.

    Maybe, if you are restless, do easy yoga and definately do swimming. My friend took one year off because she had plantar, now she's fully recovered and running pain free. She's a triathlete too.

    Give yourself 6 months and then see how it goes. 6 months tak lama pun. Your mom were pregnant with you for 9 months! I want to see back in action by early next year. So from now till Dec, rest. No vigorous exercise/games. And this is an order from me. :)

  2. Thanks kak kash, for kind words of encouragement, yup it is hard for a newbie like me,

    Ok Kak Kash, I will do my best to avoid high impact things, right now i'm doing light jog or walk, maybeb reconnects back to swimming

  3. agreed with Kash. Futsal is a big NO NO. More dangerous than running. Take up swimming bro.


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