Friday, February 12, 2010

Bunny Run Bib's 20km Men Open Is Up For Grab..Opps Energizer Lerr

I'm listening to Glee's version of Defying Gravity,quite aspiring indeed, but letting go is what the best thing to do now ...Anyone interested please kindly leave any messages, U don't have to pay, i just wanted the Running Vest only ( collecting It for my training needs)......

The MRI had spoken and the verdict i have left knee bicep tendonsitis with some fluid( can't seem to remember what is called medic terms) if it is worsens in another 3 weeks and it may required to be stitched, yikes seems very painful i will be out at least half of the year,

Final Verdict : There is no use defying gravity , humbled grounded here...


  1. Dont despair and give up. Given time, it will heal if you look after it with plenty of rest.The runs arent going anywhere. Health is always first.

  2. Did the Doc tell you how did you get it in the first place? How long have you been running?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Yimster,

    Kak kash, i did not as him about that, however he did tell me that there is no telltale signs , it is during the run u will feel it.

  5. looking forward to run again with u later. dont worry, we'll catch up soon enough. try something new in between (bila nak bowling nih) :P hope u recover fast and well. Aku doakan ko cepat sembuh :) as much as its killing u for not running, its better than u injured yourself badly and quit running for good.. kan?

  6. Rest well and insyallah u will b ready for a comeback..sooner or later. I now trying to run safe (tp kalau dah terkena nak buat camner kan).

  7. hey, if u nak sgt run, go for trail run.. seriously, less impact.. tp if teruk sgt, switch to swimming & cycling & etc.. takyah rase down k =)


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