Thursday, February 11, 2010

Resting Again and Lookin Back

Another run missed, this did not happen to me last year, sumenyer rempuh jer..., now i know that the art of running is to be able to run the next day after any races, flexibility and agility should be hand in hand...held and bonded together for life long..

Never knew resting is a part of training, pergg..hand on my head now.. always into pushing higher and higher further up the mileage bank, now it left me humbled in my own less impact world..makes u think, is this what  u missed when u are running all the time...pondering to some of my family members whom are being cynical about me running all the time...ko ni tidak bosan ke...asyik lari lari jer nanti injured padan muka hang...its hard to explain to them unless they are in my shoes...or runners too...hehe..running for me is like paracetamol to headaches, penicillin to bacterial infections, steroid to athletes (over lak..)...

Infectious in a good manner, it has brought joy as well instilled positive values about life, plus meeting with new running buddies whom are very supporting and encouraging in every step of the way, building new network of friends from all walks of life, jumping with joy every time we run while sharing stories of up and down of our life apart from our running series, this a part of running that i really missed, listening to their stories..seronok tau..they are indeed .. very good story tellers, aku ni hampeh ckit...but i can count though....reading blogs is not the same as making direct face to face contacts...where u can see their grins, laugh, cheeky...sharing their stories while agonizing the pain after a long run.

The carboloading session, at times it went overboard ler pulak...melantak macam esok tak de ler pulak... well that was me...hehe semacam dapat license to kill, can't help it they are so many foods to try when u are at foreign places...hehe...

Cam-whore at every point along the run as much as u could possibly can...Abg Nik with his trusted Canon and Bro Ian with Olympus Tough plus my friend's Warie's taking picture while running ? mesti kelam kabut tahap cipan ler......thought of doing that after this....photographed my memories...   

Shoe shopping has been very technical lately...unlike before..ahh any shoes will do as long as it comfortable..comfort yup, well it could only be for a short distance ...sekarang tengok kasut dah pandai dah predict what will happen if i bought this kind of evolves from Power to Adidas AdiZero...lum kira Trail running gear lagi hehehe...thinking of moving into MTB pulak..slowly saving enough cash for it...

I will keep my Chin up and rest till i'm ready to brush through the tarmacs and hills again...thanks again to all my fellow blogger runner for the support and not forgetting Congrats for finishing the gruesome PNM..


  1. yup, bro rest well ... on MC huh? :)

  2. rest well fellow GD. u are indeed a strong partner :) camtu lah.. hehe..

    let me know when u are A OK to run again. kita buat session khas utk u :P

  3. take care and rest well. many many more races to come....

  4. hey, believe me, u are going to get running very soon... yup, recovery is part of training (i felt that da.. 3 months tak lari coz accident.. biler da ok, suma race masuk) get well soon.. byk ckp plak... =)

  5. This is the only time where mental cakap "rest, rest, rest".. but the kaki semua gatal cakap "run, run, run"... betul tak?

    Kalau run sambil pegang camera, silap haribulan tangan yg cramp dulu.. hehe.

  6. Bro Shaq. Same here also. Gatai nak lari, especially kalau dah terlebih carbo loading hahaha. Now can start running but will do it slow and steady (always in snail pace pun :)


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