Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sigh...not again, i been having these days where u just wanna be yourself and get out of these acting wardrobe and just be yourself nothing else matters....trying so hard to find the reason why am im here, it may sounds that i'm ungrateful of The Almighty gifts, i can't seem to find my strength and enjoyment anymore...

I wish i could get backed to my roots...and do the things i knee is getting better, its no longer hurts as before (that's something good to feel about kan..) , ye lar i had no obligation ...its easy for people like me..well its true...may be i should looked at others whom unfortunate to work like dogs days and night without least i could buy a house now, lucky me...heheh

Staying positive is tough when u mind is constantly battling the downside of life, its hard battling emotions and keeping up a smile, making others happy will eventually lead to yours too right...well as what my friend would said Chin Up and Walked Tall cause u are precious...


Scribble what u like here...