Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Resting Is A Part Of Training Vs Degil Nak Lari Jugak!

I always been known for my stubbornness.. itu ler...orang kata rehat tak mahu dengar nak lari jugak.... i tried talking to myself tapi susah ler...it keep on saying alar lari je lar...your knee able to take it punyer....

anyway kedegilan dah terbukti, we are human, biologically different from one person to another therefore our recovery rate are not the same, kemaruk berlari lar katakan...itu ler nasib baik ler...Dia tak marah..understanding... but how long tak tahu ler....

Resting meaning no high impact activities for me, thought of pursuing back my swimming lesson and continue on my search for that dream MTB..if everything goes according to plan i will be move in to my new house by end of this month...Alhamdulilah ...

Pastu leh ler continue on swimming on regular basis since i got a place to do it, tak payah ler nak sneak in to the apartment anymore heheh,

Part of resting cum training ni..is to avoid the running temptation, ohh tu yang susah tu, treadmill pulak vacant tak de orang guna..plus on Saturday and Sunday , i'm almost free all day...tambah lagi nafsu makan bertambah tambah...gulp...funny?? Since i stop running my friends said that i'm so thin, i said really i dont think so, i ate alot plus i'm not burning a lot calories as did during running, mmm point to ponder?

Iyerlar zaman dulu dulu, orang bersilat pun kene bertapa bebulan bulan, i guess it must be a part of their training so that they will be able to recover and rebuild the muscles lost during training ir fights....

Hopefully i will be fit for Energizer...tak best ler nak derma derma bib ni...tapi kalau ade orang nak derma to me, Saya terima ajer...heheh(tamak betul ko,Shaq)

Resting Here but not in Peace yet or ever ,i meant Running not that Eternal Peace...

Happy Training


  1. Bro, safe those running enthusiasms for new projects i.e. swim, bike & strength sessions. Swim on Saturday, bike on Sunday. Sure berbaloi-baloi. Have fun.

  2. rest well fellow GD! see u for LSD Energizer?


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