Monday, January 4, 2010

Varicose Veins, that's what it called...will it stop me.?

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that you can see just under the surface of the skin. These veins usually occur in the legs, although they also can form in other parts of the body- definition taken from National Heart Lung and Blood Institute website,

Weak or damaged valves in the veins can cause varicose veins. One-way valves inside the veins open to let blood flow through and then shut to keep blood from flowing backward. If the valves are weak or damaged, blood can back up and pool in your veins. This causes the veins to swell.
I had it on my right leg, sometimes it gives me the freak jugak , i only realised it since i started losing weight in 2008, its hereditary things, my mother had it on her leg, i just found out about this since Bro Ian said to me that my condition is cureable, well when i read about it, mm i found some interesting facts about it....the way to prevent it...are to avoid sitting or standing for long periods, stay active, lose weight (if you're overweight), avoid tight clothes and high heels, and wear compression stockings if your doctors advises you to...

but there are some negative effect of which i do have such as mild swelling of your ankles and feet; painful, achy, or "heavy" legs; throbbing or cramping in your legs especially after run; itchy legs; and discolored skin in the area around the varicose vein. Sometimes dermatitis, an itchy skin rash. What i am afraid most is that Varicose veins also can lead to superficial thrombophlebitis. This refers to a blood clot that occurs in a vein that's at the surface of the skin.

would it stop me,? Hopefully it would not ,cause running what makes and shapes me, i shall overrun this...


  1. do take the necessary precaution la. just in case :) no, i dont think that will stop u. maybe because of that u can run so fast? :P
    keep on running.

  2. i don't have them, but my words of encouragement is to not let them get in the way of whatever you're doing. you're doing an extremely healthy thing and it's a positive, not a negative to where you health is concerned.

    keep running!

  3. Me got some, but not too bad, badge of honor from two pregnancies. :)


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